After the second World War the question often asked to ex-Nazi soldiers and civilian perpetrators was; why they did they commit those crimes against humanity? And the answer they often gave was: wir haben es nicht gewußt.
The phrase "wir haben es nicht gewusst" (spelling without eszett) literally means "we did not know". Perhaps they really did't knew that Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Communists and other people were being taken away from their homes. And various bad and cruel inhumane things that took place and are widely known in the official narrative of World War 2. But it's hard to believe that people didn't knew about it , since these things were carried out during large operations, involving many perpetrators.
When it comes to the COVID Plandemic, most people were not allowed to point out certain similarities between World War 2 and the Plandemic. The lockdowns, schools and businesses closures, masking, silencing and censorship of doctors, scientists, nurses and other people who had a different opinion on the Plandemic. Vaccine passports, discrimination against the un-vaxxed and other strange things that we all have seen during the notorious Plandemic period of 2020 and 2021, and still brewing in 2022.
Of course these things are far less severe compared to some World War 2 cruelties, such as: Nazi concentration camps, Klaus Barbie and Josef Mengele experiments on humans and SS, Gestapo firing squads. But let us not forget how things began and escalated, before these things started to happen during World War 2. These things just don't happen out of nowhere. And before the Nazis took their grip over many European countries, there were people who saw the signs of the tyranny that was coming, and they tried to warn other people. The same things happened with the Plandemic. There were people who saw the signs of a planned tyranny that was in the making (and still is), and they tried to warn other people, mostly via social media on the internet.
See also:
Canada: Unvaccinated father loses right to see his child
A Canadian father who has not been vaccinated against Covid has temporarily lost the right to see his 12-year-old child.
A judge ruled his visits would not be in the child's "best interest".
Source: - 1.13.2022
Unvaccinated against COVID-19, Djokovic out of U.S. Open
Novak Djokovic will not play in the U.S. Open, as expected, because he is not vaccinated against COVID-19 and thus is not allowed to travel to the United States.
Source: - 8.25.2022
The cost of being unvaccinated is rising — will people be willing to pay the price?
Now, a growing number of employers, governments, and private businesses are requiring vaccination as a condition of employment, imposing financial penalties for those who remain unvaccinated, and excluding unvaccinated individuals from being able to go to restaurants, gyms, concerts, and other large gatherings.
Source: - 10.26.2021
These Countries Are Slapping the Unvaccinated With Fines and Bans
Now, a growing number of employers, governments, and private businesses are requiring vaccination as a condition of employment, imposing financial penalties for those who remain unvaccinated, and excluding unvaccinated individuals from being able to go to restaurants, gyms, concerts, and other large gatherings.
Source: - 12.1.2021
"We Were in the Dark About COVID"
In a strange twist of events, some people are asking for some kind of amnesty. Perhaps some (of them) realized that the Plan in the Plandemic didn't turned out as they planned.
Was the Bio Weapon Rip-Deal the start of events, that made sure their plan didn't succeed? Or was it the heist by the National Powers that carried out an operation against Global Powers in the Suez Canal. Which resulted that the Global Powers usual suspects, cabal, deep state, black hats could not complete their final step in their Plandemic scenario?
May be some people realized that they were used as pawns in the game for world domination. But the most reasonable conclusion is perhaps the fact that many people started to see through the lies and deceptions.
Many people 'woke up from media propaganda', so to speak.
Anyway, whatever it may be, some people (who could have been involved in the plandemic tyranny) are asking for amnesty.
"You Murderous Hypocrites": Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests 'Amnesty' For Pandemic Authoritarians
The Atlantic has come under fire for suggesting that all the terrible pandemic-era decisions over lockdowns, school closures, masking, and punishing an entire class of people who questioned the efficacy and wisdom of taking a rushed, experimental vaccine - for a virus with a 99% survival rate in most, should all be water under the bridge.
"We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID," writes Brown Professor Emily Oster - a huge lockdown proponent, who now pleads from mercy from the once-shunned.
"Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward," she continues.
Except, they weren't “in the dark” about Covid. There were numerous sources pointing out the actual science that ran contrary to the mandate claims, and they were deliberately silenced by a vast media campaign. Evidence suggests that media platforms worked in tandem with Big Tech, the CDC and the Biden Administration. It was not a simple matter of overreaction, there was collusion to remove all counter-information.
Nice try, Emily.
Source: - 11.2.2022
More Push-For-Vax Instead of Investigating the Increase of SADS?
When we read the article in The Atlantic, we saw something interesting. It's some sort of propaganda push to get people to take more vaccines. Instead of addressing the huge amount of so called SADS - Sudden Adult Death Syndrome cases that are happening worldwide, The Atlantic and the author of the article made a choice to push for more vaccinations. Yes, they not only mention the COVID vax, but other vaxins as well.
The article also stated that it seems not necessary to look further in the worldwide decline of people willing to take the COVID vax clot-shot. "Rather than debating the role that messaging about COVID vaccines had in this decline, we need to put all our energy into bringing these rates back up."
If people are getting sick from eating a certain product, from Brand-X. Resulting in a decline in the sales of the Brand-X product. Then you don't go on and say things like: "... we need to put all our energy into bringing these rates back up" without investigating as to, why the rates went down in the first place. And this may be not a good example, because people would have addressed Brand-X or even started a law case against Brand-X, which would reasonably have resulted in investigations of Brand-X products.
And this example also shows the irony of the Plandemic situation. People took the vax from 'Brand-X', and many got sick or injured after taking it. And some of them did addressed the manufacturer or other organizations. Even lawsuits were started. And the mainstream media and the 'independent' fact-checkers are trying hard to avoid these things to become public knowledge. And the Paradox is that their propaganda didn't work fully. There's a decline in people taking the clot-shot vaccines. Because people talk. The word of mouth is big.
My neighbor, who is an elderly man, was a strong COVID vax believer. He took two COVID vaccines. And now he is fierce against the COVID vaccine. Not because he's reading 'alternative truth' media. No, he's totally not into those publications. He's now telling people around him not to take the clot-shot because he experiences heavy side effects and ailments from the vax him self. How much money and time the perpetrators put in their propaganda, the word of mouth is bigger and faster when it comes to bad quality, untested, shady and dangerous products that people get.
And now we have people saying: "Rather than debating the role that messaging about COVID vaccines had in this decline, we need to put all our energy into bringing these rates back up" ... and they also want to declare a 'Pandemic Amnesty'?
Let’s focus on the future, and fix the problems we still need to solve.
Many people have neglected their health care over the past several years. Notably, routine vaccination rates for children (for measles, pertussis, etc.) are way down. Rather than debating the role that messaging about COVID vaccines had in this decline, we need to put all our energy into bringing these rates back up.
Source: - 10.31.2022

"Let’s focus on the future, and fix the problems we still need to solve."
Well, let's start with investigating the COVID vaxins? Of course they wont do that, and we (all) know why they wont deep dive into the vaxins' side effects. Interesting detail is that the LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY article from The Atlantic was published on 31 October, which is: Halloween.
The article also mentions that "Many people have neglected their health care over the past several years." What about the increase of health foods, conscious consumers who want healthier and less chemical food products, health blogs and websites?
What about the fact that in many countries the gyms and sports venues were closed during lockdowns and McDonalds and other junk-food corporations were allowed to stay in business?
Is McDonald's open during the national lockdown in England?
Source: - 1.5.2021
When gyms are shut down but McDonalds is considered ‘essential’ and stays open WE HAVE A PROBLEM.
— Hannah Wants (@hannah_wants) November 19, 2020
SADS is a new normal term that we see more often in the mainstream media and there's a huge increase of SADS cases, after the global COVID vax campaigns.
Is it all but one big coincidence that many athletes, young people and other persons suddenly drop down, after the worldwide COVID vaccinations?
What is Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?
Source: - 6.7.2022
At least 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead
The reports of athletes who suddenly collapse have been increasing noticeably lately. Heart problems such as heart inflammation are often the cause – one of the known life-threatening side effects of Covid vaccines, which even the manufacturers themselves warn against.
Source: - 12.6.2021
Sudden vaccine deaths are now so common they’ve assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
(Natural News) The murderous medical regime knows that covid vaccines are killing healthy young people at an alarming rate, so they’ve suddenly assigned a medical label for the phenomenon in order to distract people from the truth. Now, healthy young people who suddenly die without any medical explanation are said to have died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) rather than from vaccines.
While SADS has existed in medical terminology long before covid, doctors and the media are now using this syndrome label in a new way: To try to explain away vaccine deaths. From what we can tell so far, there are no such “sudden deaths” in unvaccinated young adults. So far, this seems to be happening solely among those who have been vaccinated.
The UK Daily Mail has published an article detailing this new so-called “syndrome” which is of course just a convenient label to mask the true underlying cause of these sudden deaths. The title of their article is, “Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome – as doctors seek answers through a new national register,” and it says that everyone under the age of 40, “…may potentially be at risk of having Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).”
All people under the age of 40 are now supposed to “get their hearts checked,” while oblivious doctors claim to be searching for the “genetic cause” behind SADS.
Never before in the history of medicine have doctors and the media urged young people to “get their hearts checked.” This is only happening after the global push for covid vaccines which hijack the body’s cells and force them to create spike protein particles that cause blood clots.
Source: - 6.9.2022
And of course, the army of so called 'independent' fact checkers have to debunk the connection between the vax and SADS. Even when stated that: "Heart problems such as heart inflammation are often the cause – one of the known life-threatening side effects of Covid vaccines, which even the manufacturers themselves warn against."
Reports of Sudden Deaths Among Athletes After COVID-19 Vax Are ‘Misinformation’
Lists of athletes who have died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine have been circulating on social media, and the issue has been brought up recently by a US senator and a former basketball star, but there’s absolutely nothing to the purported link, according to sports cardiologists interviewed by TCTMD.
Source: - 2.14.2022
METRO, a well know paper print newspaper published on 10.20.2020 the following on the front cover:
The MIRROR story doesn't refer to vaxins and it was published in October 2020 around or just before the rollout of the global COVID vaxin campaigns. But it does address several serious issues caused by the plandemic measurements and rules.
The Atlantic calls for ‘pandemic amnesty’ after ‘mistakes’ during Covid response
As evidence continues to mount that much of the pandemic response caused more harm than good — views which were routinely censored on social media and derided by politicians, media and public health officials during 2020 and 2021 — Oster suggested “most errors were made by people who were working in earnest for the good of society”.
Source: - 11.2.2022
Professor blasted after calling for 'amnesty' to forgive coronavirus lockdown supporters: 'Hell no'
"Kids missed out on their education," California Republican State Sen. Melissa Melendez posted on Twitter. "Mom & Pops went out of business. Military members were kicked out. The list goes on and on. Those responsible deserve every bit of scorn cast their way."
The Atlantic article, titled "Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty" and published on Monday, was written by Brown University Economics Professor Emily Oster and attempted to make the case that supporters of lockdown measures "didn’t know" that cloth masks were not effective, outdoor transmission of the virus was nonexistent, and were motivated by "deep uncertainty."
Source: - 11.5.2022
COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified
In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase might have encouraged one scientist to claim that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19”.1 But this view is far too simple.
Source: - 11.20.2021
Should we declare a pandemic amnesty?
NPR's Mary Louise Kelly talks with economist Emily Oster about her Atlantic article, "Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty" and her call for grace.
Read the full transcript: - 11.4.2022
Julie Powell: 49-year-old New York food writer calls the non-vaccinated “lunatics” and “assholes,” dead 10 months after mRNA booster shot
Mrs. Powell articulated her desire for a second booster shot on September 19. Doctors of course dismissed her deteriorating health as so-called COVID-19 (which netted said doctors the $13,000 bounty). Thus Mrs. Powell and “the other one” (apparently her husband) had to wait until December for more synthetic mRNA.
Source: - 11.4.2022
Santino Godoy Blanco: 4-year-old Argentina boy who starred in a national vaccine campaign, dies suddenly
Mrs. Blanco demanded that doctors do a blood test. But they refused. Doctors were now diagnosing Santino with gastroenterocolitis (stomach and intestinal inflammation). They administered dipirona (metamizole), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.
Doctors discharged Santino again. But his condition was clearly worsening by the minute. Ms. Blanco went back to the hospital again and practically begged for help. But doctors balked. At this point, Santino was suffering from convulsions, had an oxygen mask on, and IVs in his arms. Santino removed the oxygen mask to seemingly kiss his mother goodbye. Ms. Blanco saw the writing on the wall. But doctors discharged them again.
“I’m not going to stop until the doctors who treated my son are removed”
Source: - 11.15.2022
Pfizer documents: unvaccinated people can be exposed to experimental mRNA from vaccinated people; frightening adverse reactions
Mrs. Blanco demanded that doctors do a blood test. But they refused. Doctors were now diagnosing Santino with gastroenterocolitis (stomach and intestinal inflammation). They administered dipirona (metamizole), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.
Doctors discharged Santino again. But his condition was clearly worsening by the minute. Ms. Blanco went back to the hospital again and practically begged for help. But doctors balked. At this point, Santino was suffering from convulsions, had an oxygen mask on, and IVs in his arms. Santino removed the oxygen mask to seemingly kiss his mother goodbye. Ms. Blanco saw the writing on the wall. But doctors discharged them again.
“I’m not going to stop until the doctors who treated my son are removed”
Source: - 5.7.2021
Mainstream media blaming “climate change, “broken heart syndrome, “pandemic anxiety” – ANYTHING but the injections – for sudden surge in heart disease
(Natural News) In a desperate attempt to deflect from the “clot shots” (Wuhan coronavirus “vaccines”), the mainstream media is now claiming that the sudden and massive spike in heart attacks this year is due to “broken heart syndrome,” “pandemic anxiety,” and even cannabis use.
Formerly known as takotsubo or stress cardiomyopathy, so-called broken heart syndrome is supposedly causing women over the age of 50 to develop weakened heart muscles, shortness of breath, and chest pain – and none of this has anything at all to do with Fauci Flu shots, we are told.
Even though this heart disease surge came about right as the “Operation Warp Speed” injections from the Trump administration started getting plunged into people’s arms, the lying corporate media wants the general public to believe that feeling sad is somehow the true culprit.
There are also headlines blaming “climate change” and “global warming” for a similar surge in heart problems among young children and even babies born to women who took the injections.
“‘Climate change is changing babies in the womb: they are more susceptible to heart disease,'” reads one ridiculous headline from a Dutch news outlet called De Morgen.
Another from The Sunday Times blames the rise in heart attacks on “pandemic stress and poor diet.”
Only the Times, it turns out, broached the real issue in the body of its article, suggesting that there might be an “outside chance” that Covid-19 injection “played a part” in this rising disease trend.
Source: - 11.21.2021
Would You Give Amnesty to Perpetrators?
The big question is: should we give some kind of amnesty for the perpetrators who were involved in all this madness?
Who are these perpetrators? Of course there are the usual suspects. And who are the others?
And besides the perpetrators, there were also many people who we're trying to enlighten people with alternative information regarding the plandemic situation. That later on (in many cases) turned out to be true after all. But most of these people were censored from social media platforms, video websites and mainstream news. People who we're trying to bring light in a dark situation by means of information, were shunned, banned and ridiculed.
As the article describes best:
As the Daily Sceptic's Michael P. Senger puts it: "There’s a lot wrong here. First, no, you don’t get to advocate policies that do extraordinary harm to others, against their wishes, then say, “We didn’t know any better at the time!” Ignorance doesn’t work as an excuse when the policies involved abrogating your fellow citizens’ rights under an indefinite state of emergency, while censoring and cancelling those who weren’t as ignorant. The inevitable result would be a society in which ignorance and obedience to the opinion of the mob would be the only safe position."
And look at that ratio:
In one epic Twitter thread, Claremont Institute Senior Fellow Matthew J. Peterson (@docMJP) excoriates Oster's entire premise;
Hey—sorry you lost your job b/c of the vax that doesn’t work and your grandmother died alone and you couldn’t have a funeral and your brother’s business was needlessly destroyed and your kids have weird heart problems—but let’s just admit we were all wrong and call a truce, eh?
It’s too bad we shut the entire economy down & took on tyrannical powers that have never been used before in this country—looking back, you should have been able to go to church and use public parks while we let people riot in the streets—but it was a confusing time for everyone.
Hey I'm sorry we scared the hell out of you & lied for years & persecuted & censored anyone who disagreed but there was an election going on & we really wanted to beat Donald Trump so it was important to radically politicize the science even if it destroyed your children's lives.
OK, yes we said unvaccinated people should die & not get healthcare while never questioning Big Pharma once but we are compassionate people which is why even though we shut down the entire economy we also bankrupted the nation & caused inflation. You're welcome! Let's be friends.
Source: - 11.2.2022
Timing is Everything
Timing is everything, as always. That's why we like to ask: why do they come with his 'amnesty' and "We Were in the Dark About COVID" stuff, at this point on this timeline? Is it because they feel the heat of angry people that are awakening to the fact that it was all one big lie, eventually resulting in lawsuits against the perpetrators? Was it because of an inner-call of conscience that the perpetrators may have experienced?
Or is it part of a more sinister scenario, to regain public sympathy, in order to execute their next step in the Plandemic? "Sorry we made mistakes, but we wont do that again... trust us... ". Something like that?
Whatever it is, timing is everything. Winter is coming. US presidential elections are going on, at the moment. Electricity, gas, fuel prices and the costs for living are rising. World War 3 about to get started. And most people are simply fed up with all the pandemic stuff. They just want to go on and live their lives.
Will the perpetrators try to bring back the lockdowns, masking, vax-passport and (forced) vaccinations? After they admitted in the media, as a form of positive propaganda, that they were wrong. But they will do things better because they've learned from their (planned) mistakes? And will the public accept this and follow the orders of the perpetrators, who are then no longer perpetrators, but 'good people who have learned from their mistakes', instead? Will the public take the new vaxins, because these have been tested in more ways, and are now completely safe, without any side effects, according to the coming propaganda wave?
Was There a Medicine to cure COVID?
You may also know some (elderly) people who suffered in the hospital during the plandemic. And sadly many of them perished away alone, while their family and friends were not allowed to visit them. Sometimes they were allowed to visit them, only from behind a large glass window, not able to touch or hug them.
Have you ever wondered why most people passed away (due to 'COVID') in a hospital'? We hardly can't find any news of people who passed away in their homes. Most people died in the hospitals.
The perpetrators could have possibly sabotaged the access for people to get a medicine to cure COVID-19.
Using propaganda, deception and lies. And with the help of some elements in the mainstream media.

Ivermectin Shows Antiviral Effect Against Omicron: Japanese Pharma Firm
A Japanese conglomerate that is studying the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin has found that the medication had an antiviral effect on Omicron, according to joint non-clinical research.
Source: - 1.31.2022
Report: Ivermectin used by 100+ members of Congress and their staff
More than 100 members of Congress and their staff members have been treated for Covid-19 with Ivermectin, a physician reported.
Dr. Pierre Kory, President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, tweeted on Oct. 7:
Source: - 10.10.2021

Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day
Ivermectin, a drug used to fight parasites in third-world countries, could help reduce the length of infection for people who contract coronavirus for less than a $1 a day, according to recent research by Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer.
Source: - 8.2.2021
COVID-19: Indofarma to Produce Ivermectin in July
The product they sell includes 20 tablets of 12 mg per botol. The highest retail price that includes the added-value tax (PPN) is set at Rp157,700 (US$10 in current exchange).
Source: - 7.6.2021
Ivermectin. WHO scientist faces death penalty
On May 25, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) filed a lawsuit against Dr Soumya Swaminathan, WHO Chief Scientist, accusing him of causing the deaths of Indian citizens by deceiving them about the ivermectin.
The WHO scientist is accused of making a misleading tweet on May 10, 2021 against the use of ivermectin which resulted in the state of Tamil Nadu removing ivermectin from the protocol the following day. He had just declared this treatment effective against Covid-19.
Source: - 6.27.2021
Change in Treatment Strategy: Goa to Use US-Disapproved Drug 'Ivermectin' to Treat COVID Patients
To fight the pandemic, the government of Goa in India has decided to change its treatment strategy for COVID patients. While a majority of the country is running after the drug Remdesivir, Goa has decided to use another medicine called "Ivermectin", the Hindustan Times reported on Tuesday.
Source: - 5.11.2021
1.6m Moderna doses withdrawn in Japan over contamination
Several vaccination centers have reported that vaccine vials contained foreign matter, according to an announcement from the ministry, which added it will seek to minimize the impact of the withdrawal on the country's inoculation program.
The ministry said later in the day that the substance that had been mixed in may have been metal. "It's a substance that reacts to magnets," a ministry official said. "It could be metal."
Source: - 8.26.2021
Uber, Deliveroo & Bolt Will Give Discounts To Young People Who Get The COVID Vaccine
The latest figures show that 46.8 million adults in the UK have had their first dose of the vaccine, while 36.1 million have also had their second dose. According to the government, two-thirds of young people have now accepted their first dose.
In a bid to incentivise the remaining third to follow suit, the government has partnered with several businesses popular with Gen Z and millennial customers. According to a press release, Uber will be "offering discounted Uber rides and meals on Uber Eats for young adults who get the jab".
Source: - 8.1.2021
Biden calls on states to offer $100 cash payments for Covid vaccinations as delta spreads
President Joe Biden on Thursday called on state and local officials to offer residents $100 cash payments as an incentive to receive a Covid-19 vaccine.
Source: - 7.29.2021
Malfunction at the podium? Psaki announces vaccines ‘can still kill you’ in eyebrow-raising slip-up
“We are quite focused on communicating directly with those people, hence our special guest today, about why it’s important to get vaccinated, why these vaccines are safe, why they can still kill you even if you are under the age of 27,” Psaki declares, seemingly unaware there is anything odd about her words before concluding:
"We need to be clear and direct about our messaging."
Source: - 7.15.2021
STUDY: Pfizer vaccine causes catastrophic damage to every system of your body
An Israeli organization made up of health experts has published a report outlining how the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection from Pfizer causes damage to nearly every system in the human body. The Israeli People Committee (IPC) says that Pfizer's Chinese Virus jab is causing catastrophic damage to people's bodies – so much so, in fact, that there are more people dying from it in Israel than there are people in all of Europe who are dying from the AstraZeneca jab
Source: - 5.10.2021
PDF The Israeli People`s Committee
Report of Adverse Events Related to the Corona Vaccine, April 2021: Never has a vaccine injured so many.
Japanese Red Cross refusing blood donations from people who have been injected with coronavirus “vaccines”
The website of the Japanese Red Cross states that individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 “are not allowed to donate blood for the time being.”
Source: - 5.19.2021
BOMBSHELL: Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are DEADLY, but withholds the same information from the public
Today we bring you a shocking true story about covid-19 vaccines, the government of Connecticut, and an open admission that vaccines contain dangerous, even deadly substances (spike proteins) that are documented and known to cause vascular damage to human beings.
It’s all admitted right in the open, in these Connecticut government documents shown below, which admit these vaccines can be fatal. The original documents used in this research may be found at the following links: (all PDF docs) ...
Source: - 5.18.2021
Thai Premier Delays AstraZeneca Shot Over Probe Into Blood Clots
Thailand joined Italy and a number of other European nations in temporarily suspending the use of AstraZeneca Plc’s Covid-19 vaccine pending an investigation into whether it may trigger blood clots.
Source: - 3.12.2021
Several EU countries suspend AstraZeneca vaccine to investigate blood clot cases
Several European countries have either suspended inoculations with the AstraZeneca vaccine as a precautionary measure or banned the use of a specific batch after blood clots formed in some people who had received the jab.
Source: - 3.11.2021
Are You a Perpetrator?
May be you also know people who lost their jobs or their business was closed, due to the plandemic restrictions and rules. May be you're one of those people.
Did you also lost friendships and family relations because you wanted to let them know that we were in a PLANdemic and they simply wouldn't look into the 'evidence' you provided and you were rejected? Perhaps you are one of those doctors, scientists, nurses, teachers or any other person who was banned and censored from social media, because you had another opinion on the plandemic situation.
May be you are one of those people who forced people into lockdowns. Denied access to alternative information. Censored and banned people from social media. Sabotaged the public access to certain medicines. Put people on a breathing apparatus, to let them suffocate. Lied about people having COVID, only to get more money from funds and other business deals. Let elderly people perished away alone. Giving tickets and fines to people who didn't wore a mask. Injected people with a vaccine, of which you knew it was not fully tested, with a huge possibility to cause severe side effects and even death as a result of your actions. Forced people to get vaccinated. Put men, women and children in camps, to get them vaccinated. Discriminated against people who didn't want the clot-shot vaxsin. Fired them from their jobs. Harassed them. Beating up people while they were demonstrating and protesting for freedom.
And sabotaged public access to other alternative (online) information, which could have solved the COVID PLANDEMIC?
Are you a perpetrator? Or were you 'just following orders', without thinking for yourself? Did you do it because you also believe, like the WEF syndicate, that there are too many 'Useless Eaters' on this planet? And we must get rid of a lot of them? Or did you do it simply because of money? Perhaps you were threatened? Was it an offer you couldn't refuse? Or may be you simply just don't give a damn about anyone, except your own 'inner circle'?
Should the angry mob give amnesty to perpetrators? And will humanity arrive at that point in time, or will there be more false flags coming (soon) to distract people from the post-plandemic backlash and possible court cases?
May be Zuby has the best answer for this situation, at this moment in time, when it comes to focussing on the future, to fix some strange things:
Would You Give Amnesty to Perpetrators? - The Benefit of the Doubt
Time Transportal 2022