An Ebola outbreak, monkeys stealing COVID-19 samples, worldwide protests and gatherings. It looks like a second wave could be the next step of the so called cabal. Meanwhile world leaders are taking Hydroxychloroquine as a medicine against the virus.
The whole Covid-19 pandemic is in process of being dismantled. Various news articles point out that the
numbers were not right. The lock down was not necessary. And Hydroxychloroquine is an effective medicine against the virus after all.
The threat of the virus was, or still is, serious. It started in the Wuhan lab. Was it meant to be released on March 11 (311) ? Was it it indeed a Rip Deal that went wrong?
The lock downs are decreasing. The people that want to vaccinate the world will need a new momentum. Another false flag. Fact is often stranger that fiction. Here are some news links regarding this phase of the pΙandemic, riots and other
things. Regardless the fake news media, the world seems to be on a new timeline.
See also:
Medicinism - Pharmakeia ⇒
311 - The Day of the Pandemic ⇒
Bio Weapon Rip Deal – The Origin of the COVID-19 Pandemic? ⇒
The Plandemic and Hydroxychloroquine
See also: Chloroquine – The HCQ-AZ combination – Sequential CQ / HCQ Research Papers and Reports
Lancet Retracts Study on Safety of Malaria Drugs for Coronavirus
Dozens of scientists questioned irregularities and improbable findings in the numbers, and the other authors besides Desai said earlier this week that an independent audit would be done. In the retraction notice, those authors say Surgisphere would not give the reviewers the full data, citing confidentiality and client agreements.
Source: - 6.4.2020
Two elite medical journals retract coronavirus papers over data integrity questions
In the first big research scandal of the COVID-19 era, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) today retracted two high-profile papers after a company declined to make the underlying data for both available for an
independent audit, following questions being raised about the research.
Source: - 6.4.2020
Salvadoran leader says he takes drug touted by Trump for coronavirus
“I use it as a prophylaxis, President Trump uses it as a prophylaxis, most of the world’s leaders use it as a prophylaxis,” Bukele said.
Source: - 5.27.2020
Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine, White House confirms
The president claimed a recent US study indicating hydroxychloroquine was not an effective coronavirus treatment was a “Trump enemy statement”.
Source: - 5.20.2020
Covid-19: In Cameroon, chloroquine therapy hailed by French expert becomes state protocol
Source: france24.c0m - 3.5.2020
French military bought chloroquine from China as Covid-19 'precaution'
Source: - 4.25.2020
Amazon BACKS DOWN after many, including Elon Musk, slam it for censorship of book questioning Covid-19 threat
Publishing and e-commerce giant Amazon is facing a wave of criticism for refusing to publish a book questioning whether the media and medical experts made the threat of Covid-19 seem much bigger than it is, before backing down.
Source: - 6.4.2020

COVID-19 Bioweapon
Everyday you can see and read in the mainstream media (MSM) news that many so called conspiracy theories are facts after all. But the controlled mainstream still wants to tell you not to do your own research and just follow their real news.
There are whistleblowers, scientists, doctors and even the former head of MI6 telling a different story. And yet the lamestream media wants you to follow their fake news.
There is a great amount of people who waking up these days. Add them to the many already awaken ones. That's a lot of people on Earth. Awaken people. Critical thinkers who are fed up with the fake news of the MSM (mainstream media).
Why does the time transportal often use links from mainstream media? That's because MSM is an important indicator of the time-flow at the moment. And MSMometimes publishes news that confirms so called conspiracy theories, who are then considered facts. If you need any confirmation. MSM is doing this more often actually.
Former MI6 head claims COVID-19 was made in a Chinese lab
A former head of the British intelligence agency MI6 has said that he believes the COVID-19 virus was created in a lab and spread accidentally. Speaking to The Telegraph's Planet Normal podcast, Sir Richard Dearlove cited recent research which claimed to have found key evidence that the virus had been manipulated to bind to humans.
Source: - 6.7.2020
Ignore the conspiracy theories: scientists know Covid-19 wasn't created in a lab
In a recent interview with the Telegraph, the former head of MI6 Sir Richard Dearlove cited an “important” scientific report that suggested that the novel coronavirus had not emerged naturally, but had been created by Chinese scientists.
Dearlove said he believed the pandemic had “started as an accident” after the virus escaped the lab. A month earlier, the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, had said he had “enormous evidence” that Covid-19 had originated in a lab in China, only to backtrack from this claim on live TV in the same sentence.
Source: - 6.9.2020
French Nobel prize winner: ‘Covid-19 made in lab’
Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his work on HIV - and who is a very controversial figure in the scientific community - said in an interview this week that “the virus has come out of a laboratory in Wuhan, which has been specialising in these types of coronaviruses since the beginning of the 2000s”.
Source: - 4.22.2020
Virologists vigorously debunk new study on origins of the novel coronavirus
The British/Norwegian team -- also working on a vaccine -- argued that their vaccine approach was likely to work where other existing efforts would fail. They claim the virus' RNA sequence has elements that appear man-made, or artificially inserted, and that their vaccine, Biovacc-19, will take these purported elements into account.
Source: - 6.10.2020
Harvard professor indicted for allegedly making false statements about secret work in Wuhan
“It is alleged that, unbeknownst to Harvard University, beginning in 2011, Lieber became a ‘Strategic Scientist’ at Wuhan University of Technology in China,” the Justice Department said in a Tuesday statement.
Source: - 6.9.2020
Trump On Coronavirus Outbreak: 'This Was Artificially Induced'
Source: - Video 4.3.2020
The Army of the Twelve Monkeys
Four days after the George Floyd psyop, when the protests started in America, something strange happened in India.
An event that could fit in a famous time travel movie: 12 Monkeys ⇒
Monkeys in India stole corona blood samples from a lab. It sounds almost absurd. But during these strange days absurdity is the new normal? Like many other people, you may have asked yourself: are we living in a movie?.
Is this for real? Or is this another psyop to move the crowd into a lock down version 2.0?
As for now, this incident has no follow up. It's just this weird 'accident'. It's like a perfect plan to spread a second
wave of pΙandemics.
Blame the Monkeys?
Perhaps they were trained to do the sample snatch trick? Or they did it by their free will? The worldwide plan of the Animal Kingdom to punish the human for what they did against animals for centuries?
12 Monkeys (1995)
In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet.
Monkeys steal coronavirus blood samples in India
“Monkeys grabbed and fled with the blood samples of four COVID-19 patients who are undergoing treatment ... we had to take their blood samples again,” said Dr S. K. Garg, a top official at the college.
Authorities said they were not clear if the monkeys had spilled the blood samples, but people living near the leafy
campus feared further spread of the virus if the monkeys carried the samples into residential areas.
Source: - 5.29.2020
Ebola Outbreak
As if it's not enough with the pΙandemic, monkeys grabbing virus samples and controlled riots. Ebola is a very scary thing. We have seen the (Hollywood) movies of Ebola outbreaks. It's a horrific virus. And it's back, according to the WHO.
The date of this announcement is interesting: 6.1.2020.
6 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 11.
But there are controversial stories regarding these Ebola outbreak. You can find these stories on the web.
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Revised One International Appeal - Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Outbreak (MDRCD026), Operation update n° 4
The information below reflects the current situation and details available at this time in regard to the 11th Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in Equateur Province, western Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Source: - 6.15.2020
17 infected, 11 dead in new Ebola outbreak in DR Congo
Announcement comes as the African nation battles to control a measles epidemic and the spread of coronavirus.
Source: - 6.15.2020
New Ebola outbreak detected in northwest Democratic Republic of the Congo; WHO surge team supporting the response
The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo announced today that a new outbreak of Ebola virus disease is occurring in Wangata health zone, Mbandaka, in Équateur province.
Source: - 6.1.2020
The George Floyd False Flag Event
There are many signs and indications that the George Floyd event was a false flag. This event led to worldwide mass
protest and in various places riots including the destruction of small and large businesses, statues and some people got
All this during a pandemic that was about to break down. The riots are almost a perfect opportunity for those who want a second lock down and pandemic leading to forced vaccinations. But as we're also experiencing solar storms, galactic waves and the awakening of the human collective consciousness. The riots may be another wake up call for those not yet awaken?
Can a person or a group spread a bio weapon during gatherings, demonstrations, protests and riots?
Black Sheriff Says if Black Lives Mattered They’d Protest at Abortion Clinics
Harlow asked the Sheriff, who has been on several news shows on Fox and others, about a tweet he sent out implying that if Black lives mattered the protesters would be outside abortion clinics because of the high numbers of black babies
killed by abortion.
Source: - 12.30.2014
'God is Dead': US rioters vandalize churches and synagogues
Some church and synagogues were defaced by Black Lives Matter slogans, some had hateful messages targeted to the houses of worship. Op-ed.
Source: - 6.5.2020
‘Don’t throw money at black Americans to riot’: Candace Owens spars with Soros-funded NGO over alleged hand in Minneapolis unrest
'Conservative firebrand Candace Owens has started a feud with Open Society Foundations, after accusing the George Soros-funded NGO of fueling the ongoing riots in Minneapolis.
Owens speculated that the fires and looting in Minneapolis was being carried out by activists linked to the billionaire,
after noting that Police Chief Medaria Arradondo claimed the criminal activity was being instigated by people not native
to the city.
“My guess: As he did with Antifa, Democrat George Soros has these thugs on payroll. He is funding the chaos via his Open Society Foundation,” the conservative commentator tweeted.'
Source: - 5.29.2020
Who was George Floyd? Former Houston high school football star started new life in Minneapolis
Floyd was charged in 2007 with armed robbery in a home invasion in Houston and in 2009 was sentenced to five years in prison as part of a plea deal, according to court documents.
Source: - 5.28.2020
Over 400 NYC Looters to Be Freed from Jail as a Result of Cuomo’s “Bail Reform” Law
Breitbart reports more than 400 looters arrested in New York City, New York, riots this week will be immediately freed from jail thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D-NY) “bail reform” policy that eliminated bail for many nonviolent and violent crimes.
Source: - 6.3.2020
Black Former Police Captain Killed While Reportedly Trying To Stop Looting
Source: - 6.2.2020
Black community in MN calls out ANTIFA for starting riots and destroying community
ANTIFA is being blamed for starting riots and destroying a community in MN amid the George Floyd protests. Angela Stanton King posted this video along with the statement, "The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots and destroying their communities. I keep telling y’all these white liberals are not our friends."
Source: - 5.30.2020
Who is behind the nationwide violence? NYPD terror chief says it was planned
Anarchist groups from outside New York City used the death of George Floyd and the protests it sparked as cover to plan and carry out violent acts in the city, the New York Police Department’s terrorism commissioner said.
Source: - 6.1.2020
Suspicious Man Breaks Window & Starts Minneapolis Riots
Mysterious Brick Piles Appear Throughout Major Protest Cities
This is Very Strange ...
Different angle video: arrest on the sidewalk.
But the footage in mainstream media is showing them on the tarmac, next to the car on the road.
Did they move behind the car after the arrest, when he was already on the ground, on the sidewalk?
Watch the video on:
Is Lamestream Media Pushing For a Second Wave?
If you looked into the real news, research some and kept an open mind you may have noticed that the so called Cabal is looking for a second wave, to lock down and vaccinate people and to sabotage president Trump. Will they use the same virus formula? Or can we expect some fake blue beam alien invasion, asteroid or comet hit. Or perhaps more riots?Coronavirus: Has a second wave of infections hit Iran?
Iran has seen a rapid surge in the numbers of coronavirus cases in recent weeks, sparking fears it might be facing a second wave of the pandemic.
Source: 6.15.2020
Yes, America needs to brace itself for a second wave of coronavirus
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development released its twice-a-year economic outlook on Wednesday, and presented two scenarios — one where the coronavirus continues to recede, and another where a second wave of rapid contagion erupts later in 2020.
Source: - 6.15.2020
Oxford Professor Tells Peers He Would Be 'Very Surprised' if UK Avoids Second Coronavirus Wave
Speaking to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, Sir John Bell, regius professor of medicine at the University of Oxford, reported that China and Iran are already experiencing a second wave of the pandemic, and Hong Kong is encroaching on a third wave.
Source: - 6.15.2020
Coronavirus: Fear of second wave in Beijing after market outbreak
An area of the Chinese capital Beijing has been put under strict lockdown measures after the city's first coronavirus cases in more than 50 days. The outbreak has been linked to the city's largest wholesale market.
Source: - 6.13.2020
Is Spain heading towards second wave of COVID-19?
Spain saw daily COVID-19 cases double two days in a row this week, but the country’s chief epidemiologist said the outbreaks are under control.
Source: - 6.12.2020

Another Plandemic?
It's very obvious that that mainstream/lamestream media is against president Trump. The media that is controlled by the Cabal. They are trying everything they can to stop the president form winning the coming election, Many Americans and other people around the world are waking up and realize that there's much more going on in this world.Why is the Cabal trying to stop Trump? Orchestrating pΙandemics, psyops based to cause riots and set up people against each other, trying to bring down the economy.
Ebola outbreak. Monkeys stealing virus samples. Race wars. Statues being destroyed. Organized looting and riots. Small businesses destroyed. What's next? Blue beam alien invasion? The H.A.M.M.E.R. Plan? ⇒
Elections are coming. They're afraid Trump is going to win.
Why are they afraid? What for?
Where We Go One We Go All

See also: The Q Continuum Future Proves Past – Lock Down Look Up ⇒