ResearchGate Removed About 200,000 Research Papers Due to Copyright Complaints from Elsevier and the ACS – Censorship?

Name: ResearchGate.
Event: About 200,000 Research Papers Removed.
Date: 10.2.2021.
Location: Germany, Earth.
News Link: - 10.2.2021.

During times of worldwide censorship on doctors and scientists, who have an alternative view on the New Normal,
Elsevier and American Chemical Society (ACS) has decided to take on ResearchGate.

ResearchGate is a website that shares scientific research papers and files. Perhaps it's part of the New Normal to remove scientific papers during a pandemic. It's a strange decision and it doesn't help humanity with sharing research.

On 05.27.2016 we wrote an article about scientific papers that would be made public for everybody.
And then, 'all of a sudden',  the plandemic arrived ...
See also: Scientific Papers 2020 ⇒

ResearchGate pulls 200,000 files from its site, amid publisher pressure
While requests to delete material from ResearchGate are not new, these most recent requests were notable because of the number of articles involved. ‘In the context of a community of over 20 million researchers this is unfortunate, rather than existential, but it has sparked an acute reaction from many of our members who believe in the importance of open science,’ ResearchGate stated in a 23 September blogpost.
‘The decision by Elsevier and ACS to simply remove content is disappointing to the entire research community, not just because of the loss to science and researchers, but because there is a better way,’ ResearchGate continued.

Source: - 10.2.2021.