Floods in various countries. In China and Inner Mongolia dams collapsed and in Germany a dam was not drained, before the flood. Are we dealing with: controlled DAMolition? What about conscious water and Maritime Admiralty Law?
Last Saturday 18th of June 2021, I bought a new watch from the local market. It has a water-resistance level of 30 meters.
It can withstand splashes of water. I'm currently located near the sea shore of the Netherlands. An experience which is strange and exciting at the same time. Living below sea level, like in the Netherlands, means to be prepared for severe waters. I don't know if my new, six Euro local market watch can withstand a flood. But it does what a watch does: it displays the time. And in the meantime: we watch the water.
2021 European floods
Since 12 July 2021, several European countries have been affected by catastrophic floods, causing deaths and widespread damage. The floods have affected several river basins, first in the United Kingdom and later across northern and central Europe including Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy.
Source: wikipedia.org
Global Warming ... Off Course
The mainstream media is trying to blame the floods on the good old Global Warming / Climate Change.
And it's such a coincidence that some European leaders want new Climate Change laws, rules, TAXes and the whole bunch. Off course. Because the Plandemic plans are not working anymore. There are too many people who don't believe the hype and many people who do not want to get the clotshot.
EXPLAINED: How the extreme flooding in Germany is linked to global warming
German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Friday urged a more “determined” battle against global warming in light of the severe flooding.
“We will only be able to curb extreme weather situations if we engage in a determined fight against climate change,” Steinmeier said in Berlin,
Source: thelocal.de - 7.16.2021
Well, may be they have to explain why German officials didn't drain the dam weeks in advance, according to an eye witness.
Germany’s “Katrina”: Officials Left Dams Full For Weeks Even With Heavy Rains In The Forecast
Officials left dams full to the brim at least 3 weeks long during a rainy period and then failed to undertake a controlled release even when 150 mm of rain were forecast 4 days before the floods.
Now they want to hide their gross incompetence and blame climate change.
Yesterday I posted how Germany’s flood disaster could have been prevented in large part, especially in terms of lives lost. The latest death toll has risen to over 150.
Although the heavy rains had been forecast days in advance, nothing was done to avert the inevitable destruction. Instead of taking responsibility, politicians are blaming climate change in a bid to shift attention away from their incompetence and gross negligence.
Source: notrickszone.com - 7.18.2021
Anwohner: "Mir ist aufgefallen, dass seit mind. 3 Wochen alle Talsperren voll bis oben hin waren und nicht kontrolliert abgelassen wurden."
Resident: "I noticed that for at least 3 weeks all dams were full to the top and were not drained in a controlled manner."
Anwohner: "Mir ist aufgefallen, dass seit mind. 3 Wochen alle Talsperren voll bis oben hin waren und nicht kontrolliert abgelassen wurden." pic.twitter.com/U4pc2HA1sg
— henning rosenbusch (@rosenbusch_) July 18, 2021
Criminal Negligence? Authorities Failed To Heed Flood Warnings…”Let People Drown”…”Monumental System Failure”
Harsh criticism of German authorities failing to act is mounting in the aftermath of the recent deadly floods.
Germany’s New Orleans
Many of the over one hundred people who died in the recent flood disaster in Central Western Germany could have been prevented – had the responsible institutions heeded the warnings that had been already issued days in advance by the weather services.
Authorities had been warned days early, yet they did nothing to prepare to evacuate and mobilize resources. The media did nothing to warn.
Veteran meteorologist: “much could have been prevented”
Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann told in a PULS 24 interview that “much of it could have been prevented” and that “people could have been warned”.
Source: notrickszone.com - 7.17.2021
Evacuation underway in China’s Inner Mongolia after torrential rain causes two dams to collapse
Two dams in Inner Mongolia’s Hulunbuir have collapsed following torrential rain, according to an announcement from China’s water ministry on Monday, citing concerns about the safety risks of aging infrastructure in the region.
Source: rt.com - 7.19.2021
Dam Collapses in China's Henan Province Due to Major Flooding - Reports
A dam near the city of Zhengzhou in central China's Henan province has been destroyed by heavy flooding, after being seriously damaged in heavy storms that killed several people and brought the region to a halt, local media reported.
Source: sputniknews.com - 7.20.2021
Germany and Belgium floods: 'Enormous pressure' on dam near Cologne at risk of rupturing - as flood deaths reach 168
Large parts of a dam near Cologne in the North Rhine-Westphalia region have broken away and there is "enormous pressure" on the structure because of the high water level, posing "an acute risk" the dam could rupture. More people are being evacuated from the area today.
Source: news.sky.com - 7.17.2021
The Threat of a Dam Disaster in Luang Prabang
Building a huge dam just upstream from a legendary UNESCO World Heritage site in an earthquake prone region poses serious risk to the local population and the town of Luang Prabang, warns a leading Thai earthquake specialist.
Source: thediplomat.com - 7.17.2021
Portion of wall connecting Karnataka’s KRS dam and Brindavan Gardens collapses
Amid allegations of illegal mining causing damage to the iconic Krishna Raja Sagara dam in Karnataka, a portion of the wall beneath the stairs connecting Brindavan Garden—a popular tourist attraction—to the area where the idol of Goddess Cauvery is installed near the dam, collapsed late on Sunday, July 18, triggering panic among those residing in the vicinity. According to authorities, around 30 stones supporting the stairs had fallen off, resulting in the collapse of a portion of the wall. "This could have happened due to the incessant rains in the last few days as the mortar, used in construction works those days, may have turned weak in the recent years," an officer told reporters.
Source: thenewsminute.com - 7.20.2021
Chance of Renaissance Dam collapse is 50% due to Ethiopian geology: academic
CAIRO – 13 April 2021: Water Resources Professor at Cairo University Hani Swelam argued in a phone-in Sunday that there is a 50 percent chance the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) will collapse.
"The reason is the presence of faults characterized by steep slopes allowing the occurrence of flooding carrying big amounts of silt," the professor explained saying that the unfavorable geology of Ethiopia is beyond the ability of any company, including the Italian Salini Impregilo executing the project.
"The [Renaissance] dam is located in a geological nature that is one of a kind. Ethiopia has the world's largest fault. That is the Great African Canyon. That canyon is huge. It was the reason the Red Sea was created and it extends to Turkey in the North and Madagascar in the South.
Source: egypttoday.com - 4.13.2021
China launches 2 units of world's largest hydropower station ahead of CPC's centenary celebrations
The hydropower station is located on the Jinsha River, the upper section of the Yangtze River, and straddles the southwestern provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan.
China has already built the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River and approved plans to build another massive dam on the Brahmaputra River in Tibet close to Arunachal Pradesh.
Source: economictimes.indiatimes.com - 6.28.2021
Cloud-seeding will be used to increase rainfall in Saudi Arabia
The government of Saudi Arabia has given the green light to a cloud-seeding programme which could increase precipitation in the country by about 20%, informs Utilities Middle East.
Source: smartwatermagazine.com - 2.26.2020
This paper provides an overview of an ongoing rainfall assessment program that has been conducted in the southwest region of Saudi Arabia....
Source: journalofweathermodification.org - [PDF download] 2010
History - Texas Weather Modification Association
The first “hint” of the potential of human activity to alter the behavior of clouds came just after the Civil War, when civil engineer Edward Powers made the observation that rainstorms often occurred where major battles between Union and Confederate troops were waged. The immense smoke, dust, and other particulate matter put into the air during conflict seemed to invigorate clouds to rain more.
Source: texasweathermodification.com
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Stratospheric aerosol injection is a proposed method of solar geoengineering (or solar radiation modification) to reduce human-induced climate change. This would introduce aerosols into the stratosphere to create a cooling effect via global dimming, which occurs naturally from volcanic eruptions
Source: wikipedia.org
In 2018 Q posted a so called 'Q Drop' online with another cryptic message that would echo in time.
Many Q Anons and other people interested in the Q phenomena are trying to decipher Q's words.
On the picture or photo are various Asian leaders standing in front of a picture of a yellow colored sea or ocean at dawn, or sunset?

Was Q referring to the watermark, on the election ballots?
Some say that Q was hinting at the: Suez Canal and Ever Given situation.
May be Q was referring to the water in the human body. About 70% water. Perhaps the spike protein from the clotshot vax is messing up the water crystals, in the human body?
The Curious Study of Water Consciousness
The idea of a “memory of water” arose in the late 1980s in connection with the studies of the French immunologist and water researcher Jacques Benveniste. Benveniste experimented with ultra-high-dilution solutions and theorized that water could “remember” any substance it had ever come into contact with due to molecules leaving electromagnetic traces in water, which were still present even when the molecule itself was no longer detectable.
Source: mitte.co
Dr Masaru Emoto's Water Experiments - scienceofmiracles81 Channel On YouTube ⇒
Drie Maal Is Scheepsrecht
Q wrote these words "Watch The Water" in 3 different posts/Q Drops, as you can see in the archives:
qalerts.app/?q=watch+the+water ⇒
There's a Dutch phrase, saying: Drie Maal Is Scheepsrecht. When using Google translation, it translate to:
Three times is right. The phrase means something like: when you don't succeed two times, the third time you will succeed.
The exact translations would be: Three Times is Ship's Right.
A Ship's Right can be compared to: Maritime Admiralty Law.

Was Q referring to Maritime Admiralty Law? The Strawman principle? The persona, everybody has, in this Babylon system?
The Personal Identification Number that was given to you at birth. Your name in CAPITALS on your birth certificate.
Does WATCH THE WATER mean that everything will happen at once, just like the nature of water? The flow of water.
The streams of time. The currency flow of money, turning into QFS. The dams that are collapsing. And the underground structures beneath the dams. The end of the Strawman and Maritime Admiralty Law system?
Will you be, no more 'Lost At Sea' and reclaim your own Body?
Sovereignty? In the place to be?
Jordan Maxwell explains the Maritime Admiralty Law system in this classic video:
Jordan Maxwell Maritime Admiralty Law - Flat Dan Channel on YouTube ⇒
Eyes Water Shut
Some interesting dots to connect with the movie: Eyes Wide Shut by director Stanley Kubrick.
A well know movie. It has a notorious scene where the main character is joining some sort of ritual gathering of people wearing old Venetian masks, in a large room or hall. During this ritual, a group of naked young women are forming a circle in the center.
The soundtrack during this scene somewhat strange. It sounds like someone is singing an invocation, spoken backwards. The sound of a cello is guiding the voice of the Master of Ceremony, singing strange words.. The main character in this movie is performed by: Tom Cruise, like in: Cruise ship.
The soundtrack 'Masked Ball' was made by: Jocelyn Pook. And the name of the music album of this soundtrack is:
There are some interesting titles on this album.
Jocelyn Pook – Flood. Label: Virgin – Released: Aug 30, 1999 - discogs.com ⇒
Masked Ball (Long Version) - Eyes Wide Shut - Jocelyn Pook - Blueskywatcher Channel on YouTube ⇒
Eyes Wide Shut (1999) - IMDB.com ⇒
United States of Water
Water has different states: liquid, solid (frozen) and steam. Perhaps plasma state as well.
During these times of plandemics, people had to wear mask to avoid spreading small saliva, which is a form of human-water droplets.
Fog is a form of steam. When the fog is thick, it's difficult to see clear in front of you, unless you carry a bright (flash)light. You may have heard the rumors regarding the Bermuda Triangle and other mysterious places where ships and other thing just disappear in the fog or mist.
May be when we learn how to work with water and understand and innerstand how to use the memory of water, we can travel time via portals and streams of water vapor, the fog and the mist.
Or are we already doing this, and we're arriving at a key-point on the timeline where all will be revealed, when it comes to the many mysteries of water and the path of mankind's quest of knowledge?
◊ If you would like to dive deeper into the world of water on today's timeline and beyond: I recommend this great article by Goro Adachi. Great Flood = End of Time. 7.19.2021 ⇒
Flood Controlled DAMolition – Water Watch. Written by: Haje-Tu Leau.
timetransportal.com © 2021
"Be Water, My Friend.
Empty your mind.
Be formless, shapeless, like water.
You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.
You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle.
You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Now water can flow or it can crash.
Be water, my friend."
Bruce Lee
Source: brucelee.com