In an unexpected turn of events on this timeline, the Chinese citizens are in a process of fierce protests against government rules. Is this the beginning of the movement, that started amazing changes around the globe, in the near future?
Is this really an unexpected turn of events, or are we seeing the good characteristics of human nature in action?
Is it unexpected when a population is rising up to protest, after they have been bullied, harassed and intimated for a long period of time? We're talking about the 2022 Redvolution in China. The moment when the Chinese citizens expressed their thoughts by saying out loud: "No more!"
And with good characteristics of human nature in action, we mean; the inner-call or instinct to fight against injustice and oppression that is being done to your fellow citizens. Most humans should have this call and quality, as it is a natural and perhaps devine process of protecting life and mankind.
The latest protests in China erupted around November 2022, but the situation was already tense for a few months. The Chinese people just have enough of it.
Many countries around the world have simmered down the plandemic measures. Some countries have no more COVID rules at all. But the Chinese citizens were still in the lockdown grip.
... the Chinese authorities locked them in their houses, did not let the residents of the apartment buildings out of their apartments, and welded the doors in the corridors with iron. - Source:
The situation went too far. The rules were too severe. This resulted in terrible tragedies, causing the people to become more angry. And the protests increased against tyrannical plandemic rules and measures.
10 killed in apartment fire in northwest China’s Xinjiang
BEIJING (AP) — A fire in an apartment building in northwestern China’s Xinjiang region killed 10 people and injured nine, authorities said Friday, amid stringent lockdowns that have left many residents in the area stuck in their homes for more than three months.
Videos circulated on social media showed an arc of water from a distant fire truck falling short of the fire, sparking waves of angry comments online. Some said fire engines had been blocked by pandemic control barriers or by cars stranded after their owners were put in quarantine, but the reason why the truck was far away was unclear.
Source: - 11.26.2022
Crowds angered by lockdowns call for China’s Xi to step down as protests spread
SHANGHAI (AP) — Protesters pushed to the brink by China’s strict COVID measures in Shanghai called for the removal of the country’s all-powerful leader and clashed with police Sunday as crowds took to the streets in several cities in an astounding challenge to the government.
Police forcibly cleared the demonstrators in China’s financial capital who called for Xi Jinping’s resignation and the end of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule — but hours later people rallied again in the same spot, and social media reports indicated protests also spread to at least seven other cities, including the capital of Beijing, and dozens of university campuses.
Source: - 11.27.2022
China warns of 'crackdown' after weekend of widespread zero-Covid protests
The stark warning came after security services were out in force across China following demonstrations not seen in decades, as anger over unrelenting lockdowns fuelled deep-rooted frustration with the political system.
A deadly fire last week in Urumqi, the capital of the northwestern region of Xinjiang, was the catalyst for the outrage, with protesters taking to the streets in cities around China.
Source: - 11.29.2022
China’s security chief vows crackdown on ‘hostile forces’ after protests against Covid restrictions
The Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily on Wednesday called on the Chinese public to “build a barrier of epidemic prevention and control” as Beijing’s top security chief pledged to crack down on “hostile forces” following a weekend of rare protests against China’s zero-Covid strategy.
Source: - 11.30.2022
Marauding protesters fight hazmat suit-wearing covid officials, destroy testing centres and flip cop cars as violent anti-lockdown riots break out in locked-down Chinese city of 15 million
In a rare show of public anger over localised lockdowns, huge crowds of people crashed through Covid barriers and marched down the streets of Guangzhou.
Source: - 11.15.2022
WATCH: #BNNChina Reports.
Online videos showed a brawl between protesters and white hazmat-suited riot police in the Chinese manufacturing hub of Guangzhou on Tuesday night.
This was the latest in a series of protests that erupted over the weekend. #China #Protest
— Gurbaksh Singh Chahal (@gchahal) November 30, 2022
The Effect of the Protests
The protests seem to have a positive effect for some people in China. The lockdown measures are going to be eased for some cities, according to mainstream media. While we were writing this article, news surfaced online, about a change in the situation in China.
Two Chinese cities ease COVID curbs after protests spread
SHANGHAI/BEIJING, Nov 30 (Reuters) - The giant Chinese cities of Guangzhou and Chongqing announced an easing of COVID curbs on Wednesday, a day after demonstrators in southern Guangzhou clashed with police amid a string of protests against the world's toughest coronavirus restrictions.
The demonstrations, which spread over the weekend to Shanghai, Beijing and elsewhere, have become a show of public defiance unprecedented since President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012.
Source: - 11.30.2022
Covid restrictions lifted in Chinese city of Guangzhou after protests
Authorities have abruptly lifted Covid restrictions in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, where protesters scuffled with police on Tuesday night, as police searched for demonstrators in other cities and the country’s top security body called for a crackdown on “hostile forces”.
After days of extraordinary protests in the country that also prompted international demonstrations in solidarity, the US and Canada urged China not to harm or intimidate protesters opposing Covid-19 lockdowns.
Source: - 11.30.2022
'China is a Model for Many Nations' According to the WEF Leader
Are the Chinese authorities lifting 'abruptly' the Covid restrictions because they realized that it was wrong what they did, and they started to care about the people? May be they stopped the lockdowns because the Chinese Redvolution "prompted international demonstrations in solidarity" and the Chinese authorities wanted to avoid getting too much bad attention, regarding humans rights abuse in China? Or is there more to this story? Recently news surfaced about the WEF Leiter der Reformabteilung, who made some interesting remarks about China.
World Economic Forum chair Klaus Schwab declares on Chinese state TV: 'China is a model for many nations'
Schwab said he respected China’s "tremendous" achievements at modernizing its economy over the last 40 years.
"I think it’s a role model for many countries," Schwab said, before qualifying that he thinks each country should make its own decisions about what system it wants to adapt.
"I think we should be very careful in imposing systems. But the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries," Schwab said.
Source: - 11.24.2022
The WEF means: World Economic Forum. It's not World Peace Forum, World Unity Forum or: World Humanity Forum. It's all about economics. Some call it: economic rationalism, which interesting because it seem to apply on the well known phrase: rat race. It's metaphor for the human race, struggling, fighting and compete with each other for the best place in society. Like rats in a maze, focused on a race to get to the exit door, where a reward (some cheese) is waiting for them. Humans have other motives for a rat race, which often are things like; material goods, status and wealth.
In an interesting form, or concept, which may be paradoxical. The WEF portraits itself as some kind of superpower, who want to create a better world ... with economic rationalism. To reform and reset the rat race, metaphorically speaking.
China COVID protests deepen foreign investor caution
HONG KONG -- Protests across major Chinese cities, driven by anger over the government's draconian zero-COVID policy, are making investors even more cautious about the prospects for the world's second-largest economy.
Source: - 11.29.2022
A Paradoxical Media Moment
Was it because of economical reasons, that made the Chinese authorities to decide to lift the Covid restrictions (for some cities)? Or was it Klaus the Leiter der Reformabteilung of the WEF who told the Chinese authorities to ease down the Covid restrictions. If this was the case, then; what could be his motive to do such a thing?
To unite people, for human rights reasons, for world peace? Or was it because a paradoxical media moment occurred on this timeline and the WEF is trying to correct the ironical mainstream media news reports?
The media reports that Klaus of the WEF said that "China is a model for many nations". And the media also reports about the Chinese government's "draconian zero-COVID policy" and "Intimidation and Surveillance" tactics against its own citizens. This is of course bad publicity for the WEF leader, after he has said that; "China is a model for many nations". People may start to think that the WEF promotes "Intimidation and Surveillance" and draconian policies.

This bring us to perhaps another paradoxical media moment. The mainstream media often didn't used the same narrative, when it comes to Covid protests in other countries, in 2020 and 2021.
There's video footage (on social media) where you can see police personnel beating peaceful Dutch protesters with batons. We saw elderly people being hit and police dogs biting their arms and legs and other state authorized violence against its own citizens. People who were protesting against draconian anti-Covid restrictions and rules.
The mainstream media often placed the anti-Covid restrictions protesters in a bad spotlight. Here are a few examples of the Canadian Truckers'Freedom Convoy' protests:
Canada invokes emergency powers to deal with trucker protest
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history on Monday, citing the threat of “Freedom Convoy” trucker protests in Ottawa and several border crossings in the US.
Source: - 2.14.2022
Canada's "Freedom Convoy": Is this Jan. 6 for the Great White North?
Reporters and researchers have also pointed out that the convoy movement is inextricably tied to Canadian far-right groups, including members of radical, neo-Nazi-linked "accelerationist" networks, Holocaust deniers and supporters of the white nationalist Great Replacement theory, "sovereign citizen" types with quixotic plans to dissolve the Canadian government and, of course, QAnon adherents.
Source: - 1.29.2022
Justin Trudeau and his family flee Canadian capital Ottawa as up to 50,000 'Freedom Convoy' anti-vaccine mandate truckers arrive at his office - days after he dismissed them as a 'small fringe minority'
Flying the Canadian flag, waving banners demanding "Freedom" and chanting slogans against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the truckers were joined by thousands of other protesters angered not only by Covid-19 restrictions but by broader discontent with the government.
There was an enormous clamor as hundreds of big trucks, their engines rumbling, sounded their air horns non-stop. Estimates of the number of truckers range from 10-20,000.
Source: - 1.30.2022
UN rapporteur alleges police brutality during Dutch coronavirus protests
The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture lashed out at the actions of Dutch police officers during their handling of coronavirus protests in the Netherlands. Nils Melzer sent out two tweets criticizing officers with videos from a protest on the Malieveld in The Hague last year, and a protest in Amsterdam this past weekend.
Source: - 1.4.2022
➡️This is one of the most disgusting scenes of #PoliceBrutality I have seen since #GeorgeFloyd!
➡️These officers & their superiors must be prosecuted for the crime of #torture!
➡️I will send an official protest note shortly!— Nils Melzer (@NilsMelzer) January 3, 2022
2021 Dutch curfew riots
Calls to riot were subsequently spread on social media, leading to riots in other places as well.
Mainstream Media Double Standards
Wikipedia is not reporting as it really was. What happened during the 2021 Dutch curfew riots in the Netherlands was that peaceful protesters gathered together and police agent-provocateurs dressed as civilians mingled with the protesters and started to mess things up, breaking stuff in the streets, beating up people and other things that can be described as riots.
In the pictures here below you can see police agent-provocateurs, dressed as civilians, jumping out of a police vehicle on 14 March 2021, during protests in Amsterdam. One of these agent-provocateurs is pushing an elderly woman holding a yellow umbrella. In the background you can see another elderly person with a rollator walker. The yellow umbrella lady is being pushed towards an approaching police vehicle, resulting in a collision.

Chinese authorities seek out COVID protesters
"We are all desperately deleting our chat history," said another person who witnessed the Beijing protest and declined to be identified. The person said police asked how they heard about the protest and what was their motive for going.
Source: - 11.29.2022
With Intimidation and Surveillance, China Tries to Snuff Out Protests
Reacting to China’s boldest and most widespread protests in decades, the security apparatus built by Communist Party leader Xi Jinping is mobilizing on multiple fronts to quash dissent, drawing on its decades-old tool kit of repression and surveillance.
Source: - 11.29.2022
Global governments urge China to respect COVID protests
The United Nations also called on Chinese authorities to respond to protests "in line with international human rights law," and refrain from arresting people simply for taking part.
Source: - 11.28.2022
Chinese bots flood Twitter in attempt to obscure Covid protests
Twitter has been flooded with nuisance posts designed to obscure news of the coronavirus lockdown protests in China, in an apparent state-directed attempt to suppress footage of the demonstrations.
Source: - 11.28.2022
China Protests to UK over Remarks about BBC Journalist ‘Beaten’ in Shanghai
Beijing has issued a formidable protest to the British government over the UK’s rash remarks about a BBC journalist allegedly having been beaten in Shanghai, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a briefing on Tuesday.
Source: - 11.29.2022
‘People want to live’: views from China on the Covid lockdown protests
Protests against China’s zero-Covid policy have continued in cities including Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu. The protests are a remarkable expression of defiance in a country where this type of public dissent is rare. They often feature people holding up blank sheets of paper, symbolising censorship.
Source: - 11.30.2022
‘People want to live’: views from China on the Covid lockdown protests
Chinese Students Take Aim at Beijing During Seoul Solidarity Protest
The protesters, who gathered on the street in Seoul’s Hongdae neighborhood, held signs reading “Dictator out” and “Free China” as they called for Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party to step down.
Source: - 11.30.2022
Hundreds at Harvard, NYC, Chicago protest China’s COVID restrictions
Hundreds of people gathered Tuesday at Harvard University and near Chinese consulates in New York and Chicago to support protesters who have called for that country’s leader to step down amid severe anti-virus restrictions in the biggest demonstrations against the government in Beijing in decades.
Source: - 11.30.2022
The Leftovers of Human Rights
China has been a notorious country when it comes to human rights. Let's put it this way: the western media often portraits China as a country, with less human rights, compared to western countries who have plenty of human rights, or the illusion thereof. The mainstream seem to use a double standard when it come to news reports about anti-Covid restrictions in China and other countries. China is not the only country in the world using Intimidation and Surveillance and "to quash dissent, drawing on its decades-old tool kit of repression and surveillance". against it's own people. Take the Dutch protests from 2021 for example.
But China is worldwide known for it's strict and rigid rules and punishments, which many other countries don't have. Harsh prison systems, that often operates as factories. Using cheap prison labor to produce all kinds of gadgets, technotronics and strange rubber and plastic things. And how the Chinese authorities stifle dissent, the suppression of other opinions that are not in line with the communist party state propaganda.
You may have heard about the sad situation of the so called Uyghurs. Even the good old BBC has a reports regarding the bad treatment of Uyghurs in China.
Who are the Uyghurs and why is China being accused of genocide?
China has been accused of committing crimes against humanity and possibly genocide against the Uyghur population and other mostly-Muslim ethnic groups in the north-western region of Xinjiang.
Human rights groups believe China has detained more than one million Uyghurs against their will over the past few years in a large network of what the state calls "re-education camps", and sentenced hundreds of thousands to prison terms.
Source: - 5.24.2022
Is China Committing Genocide Against the Uyghurs?
In early December, the United States announced a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, citing China’s “egregious human rights abuses and atrocities” in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. Though American athletes will still compete in the Games, no U.S. government officials will attend the global gathering. Australia, the United Kingdom and Canada also plan to join the diplomatic boycott. As some critics have pointed out, the gesture is largely symbolic, calling attention to the issue without taking punitive action against the Games’ host.
Source: - 2.2.2022
So when Smithsonian Magazine also starts to report on the Uyghurs' situation, then things must be really serious.
They even mention "a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing." China is again in the 'human rights spotlight' of western media.
After the memorable action of 'Tank Man' from the Tiananmen square protests in 1989, the western media is still sensitive for Chinese human rights, with the image of a lone runner, protesting against a battalion of tanks in a street in Beijing, imprinted in the minds of western-world citizens. The 1989 Tank Man has also earned his place in the historical records of this timeline. He's listed in Wikipedia,, Encyclopædia Britannica, and other digital and hardcopy media.
Tank Man
Tank Man (also known as the Unknown Protester or Unknown Rebel) is the nickname of an unidentified Chinese man who stood in front of a column of Type 59 tanks leaving Tiananmen Square in Beijing on June 5, 1989, the day after the Chinese government's violent crackdown on the Tiananmen protests. As the lead tank maneuvered to pass by the man, he repeatedly shifted his position in order to obstruct the tank's attempted path around him. The incident was filmed and shared to a worldwide audience. Internationally, it is considered one of the most iconic images of all time
Tank Man
Chinese citizenTank Man, unidentified Chinese man who on June 5, 1989, faced down a column of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) tanks on Chang’an Avenue in Beijing. The encounter came one day after the government launched a bloody crackdown that killed an unknown number of people in Beijing and cleared protesters from Tiananmen Square. “Tank Man,” as he was dubbed by the international media, became an enduring symbol of defiance in the face of violent authoritarianism.
The Hero Shot
When we use a semiotic approach on the the Tank Man footage, we can see some interesting points of view. First of all; it happened in 1989. Only a very few people had mobile phones or cellphones, and these were without any cameras. And in 1989, not many people walked around with VHS, Betacam or any other video camera. And certainly not in China, in the late 80's when the Chinese authorities where not happy to see foreigners or it's Chinese citizens filming around.
Someone with a video camera, that was able to film in good quality video, was at the right place on the right time.
The famous footage of the Tank Man was somewhat filmed from a birds' eye perspective. Perhaps from the 11th floor of a building? The camera person used a zoom function, to take the footage.
If you're familiar with marketing and design, then you may have noticed the position of the 'objects'. The Tank Man and the tank are almost in a 45 degree angle towards the camera. We can say that it's almost a perfect 'hero image'. And the Tank Man video would also fit in a commercial break. It's duration is not too short, nor too long. The viewer is directly caught in a moment of thrill and suspense. The main character and the objects are easy and fast to recognize: an innocent man in a white shirt, carrying grocery bags, facing a big bad angry tank. One doesn't need to know the background story yet, as this footage will grasp the attention of the viewer, who is then led into the story of this video.
When we look closer, we can see that it's not a white shirt that he's wearing. The Tank Man wears a white blouse and black pants. And the two grocery bags that he's carrying, are extra ingredients for the mystery. Who is Tank Man and what is the story behind the video footage? We don't mean to say that this video footage is part of some false flag event, or actors playing around for 'real life' news footage. This multiverse has many ways to express ourselves.
And we, as the beholder, may apply semiotics, trying to decode (hidden) messages, if there's any.
1989: Man stops Chinese tank during Tiananmen Square protests - CBS News - YouTube Channel ⇒
See also: Tank Man (now with more raw footage) - typoprone - YouTube Channel ⇒
Whether the Tank Man is part of a group of organized history makers, or 'just a man' that happened to be on the right place on the right time, or wrong place and wrong time, depending on perception and perspective ... what we can see is a very brave man who is fed up of all the authority nonsense.
Was the Tank Man some kind of Kung-Fu, Taoist master, who is able to transform his anger and grief into a strong and peaceful one man show magical protest, that will have it's echo into the future?
We can ask ourselves: is he not scared? Does he live alone, and he has not nothing to loose?. That's a lot of groceries for one person. He must be a family man. He must be very brave or very dumb, risking his life, and the possibility that his family gets also punished by the authorities for his actions. Perhaps he lost members of his family, during the protests that happened a day before Tank Man encountered the tanks in the street of Beijing. Was the Tank Man some kind of Kung-Fu, Taoist master, who is able to transform his anger and grief into a strong and peaceful one man show magical protest, that will have it's echo into the future?
Protests in China are not rare – but the current unrest is significant
Street protests across China have evoked memories of the Tiananmen Square demonstrations that were brutally quashed in 1989. Indeed, foreign media have suggested the current unrest sweeping cities across China is unlike anything seen in the country since that time.
But how uncommon are these recent public actions? And how do they compare with the massive weekslong demonstrations of 1989?
Source: - 12.1.2022
Protests raise questions about why China is still relying on COVID restrictions
These recent protests in China have cast a spotlight on its tough zero COVID policy, a policy that is clearly unpopular with a lot of people in China. Right now, the country is going through its biggest COVID surge yet, around 39,000 cases daily. In response, the government has yet again ramped up strict monitoring and surveillance, mass testing, quarantines, large-scale lockdowns. Three years into the pandemic, one question is, why is China still relying on all these restrictions when the rest of the world has mostly moved on?
Source: - 11.30.2022
And the future is now. There's no Tank Man one man show when it comes to the 2022 Redvolution. Widespread mass protests are going on in China. And these protesters are as brave as Tank Man, for they also take the risk of being imprisoned, beaten up or worse, by a harsh authoritarian system. And in other countries people also have enough of the plandemic nonsense. It's brewing, and we don't mean the strange exotic ingredients in the Covid vax, that is causing people to collapse suddenly all around the globe.
“China is a Model for Many Nations”
May be Klaus the Leiter der Reformabteilung of the WEF was right when he said those words; “China is a Model for Many Nations”. May be the Redvolution is a New Normal model for all world citizens to rise up and realize that the brave Chinese protesters are sending out a message to the world.
You decide for your self.
Redvolution in China – “China is a Model for Many Nations” – The Time Echo of Tank Man
Written and complied by the Time Transportal Team, 2022
Black and white illustration of protesters by: OpenClipart-Vectors -