Event: U.F.O. - Long Cylindrical Object Flying Over Airplane Reported By AA Pilot.
Name: Long Cylindrical Object, American Airlines.
Date: 2.25.2021. Update: 2.26.2021
Location: New Mexico, U.S.A., Earth.
News Link: nbcnews.com - 2.25.2021.

Another disclosure news article by the mainstream media.
Interesting is that the Roswell event was also in New Mexico.
Cylindrical Unidentified Flying Objects have been reported before in history. In the movie 'The Orion Conspiracy' from 2008 you can see various photo's of cylindrical UFOs.
Rumors say that disclosure is very near, this year?
See also: Disclosure. A Matter of Time
American Airlines pilot reports seeing 'long, cylindrical object' fly over plane
"Do you have any targets up here?" the pilot is heard asking on a radio transmission. "We just had something just go over the top of us that — I hate to say this — looked like a long, cylindrical object."
Source: nbcnews.com - 2.25.2021.