The second month of 2022 is about to start. A new revolution kicked off in January and will expand in the coming weeks. It's special kind of revolution, involving many people from all races, nationalities and countries.
The spotlights are focussed on the Canadian Truck Convoy. While big wheels are turning, the tide seem to turn as well.
A lot of people are waking up and start to see behind the veils of the plandemic.
There's an increase of unity, worldwide. And this is something scary, if you're planning world domination.
Awaken people who join hands and minds are a threat to the plandemic tyrants.
That's why mainstream media is trying to label the new revolution with the standard labelling modus operandi.
The word "revolucion" is known in French from the 13th century, and "revolution" in English by the late fourteenth century, with regard to the revolving motion of celestial bodies. "Revolution" in the sense of representing abrupt change in a social order is attested by at least 1450. Political usage of the term had been well established by 1688 in the description of the replacement of James II with William III. This incident was termed the "Glorious Revolution".
UPDATE 2.16.2022
Freedom Convoy Protesters Are About To Get Arrested En Masse
Ottawa police have been going from truck to truck, passing out flyers to Freedom Convoy protesters which demand they vacate the demonstration zone immediately or face arrest and criminal charges.
Source: - 2.16.2022
Apparently Ottawa police are handing out this notice in Ottawa.
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) February 16, 2022
Today is Valentine's Day. Trudeau, the PM of Canada, invokes powers last used by his father. And mainstream media is probably not referring to Castro. We're not sure if this is an act for the Love of freedom? Probably not.
This latest move is no surprise, as the deep state cabal is trying to control the increasing freedom movement, started by the Canadian truckers.
Canada invokes emergency powers to deal with trucker protest
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history on Monday, citing the threat of “Freedom Convoy” trucker protests in Ottawa and several border crossings in the US.
Source: - 2.14.2022
Also interesting to read is the latest update (today 2.14.2022) from Benjamin Fulford regarding the Canadian Truck Convoy Revolution.
The US Corporation may implode this week
Frankly, the WEF cannot afford for Trudeau to step down. If he falls, Biden falls, Australia falls, New Zealand falls and all of Europe falls. Then the rest of the world joins in.
The sane world is crazy not to make Ottawa the hill they will die on and not give in. It is an opportunity unexpected. Probably an opportunity that will not come again.
The Truckers are truly the People’s Army. Where else could you quickly assemble such a strong, younger Army to possibly confront the Globalist Tyranny Army? It is an Army everyone else can join and get behind. Half the Globalist Tyranny Army will desert them and join the Truckers if they appear to succeed in Ottawa.
Source: - 2.14.2022
End of updates.
And it's no surprise that they're trying the good old race card trick.
Some examples from the mainstream media:
Canada's "Freedom Convoy": Is this Jan. 6 for the Great White North?
Reporters and researchers have also pointed out that the convoy movement is inextricably tied to Canadian far-right groups, including members of radical, neo-Nazi-linked "accelerationist" networks, Holocaust deniers and supporters of the white nationalist Great Replacement theory, "sovereign citizen" types with quixotic plans to dissolve the Canadian government and, of course, QAnon adherents.
Source: - 1.29.2022
Some trucker convoy organizers have history of white nationalism, racism
As the first vehicles from the trucker convoy started appearing on Ottawa streets, some Twitter users shared a particular photo: a pickup truck with a confederate flag flying from the bed.
Source: - 1.29.2022
We want to be clear: the time transportal team thinks that racism is one of the stupidest things in humanity.
We're absolutely against any form of racism. And it's of course possible that there may be some racist people in a group of thousands of people. Like in any other large groups, with all kinds of people.
But the mainstream media want to discredit a very large group of non-racist, freedom loving people, just because there may be some racists among these people. You get the picture.
Let us not forget that mainstream media 'protected' those who went rioting and destroying family businesses in the name of 'peaceful protests'.
This truck convoy seem like a real peaceful protest. And today, January 29, 2022, the first trucks arrived in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. It's estimated that 50.000 or even more trucks joined the convoy.
Small Fringe Minority?

It's already a classic in the history of strange statements made by politicians. The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that the truck convoy represents a "fringe minority with unacceptable views".
We have seen dozens of photos and videos of the freedom convoy, on social media. And we saw thousands of people, in the streets, standing on bridges of highways, waving at the truck convoy. With flags, banners and all with a happy and positive vibe. It's definitely not a fringe minority.
And then Justin Castro left Ottawa. Some rumors say he fled in a hurry. Yes, he's relates to Fidel, but that's another story to tell. Did he went to Cuba?
Justin Trudeau and his family flee Canadian capital Ottawa as up to 50,000 'Freedom Convoy' anti-vaccine mandate truckers arrive at his office - days after he dismissed them as a 'small fringe minority'
Days earlier, he had called the truckers headed for the city a 'small fringe minority' before the convoy of hundreds of vehicles grew up to 45 miles long as it made its way to the capital .
The movement received an endorsement Thursday from Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk, who tweeted, 'Canadian truckers rule' and the movement has become a cause celebre for many on the right of politics in the United States.
Flying the Canadian flag, waving banners demanding "Freedom" and chanting slogans against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the truckers were joined by thousands of other protesters angered not only by Covid-19 restrictions but by broader discontent with the government.
There was an enormous clamor as hundreds of big trucks, their engines rumbling, sounded their air horns non-stop. Estimates of the number of truckers range from 10-20,000.
Source: - 1.30.2022
Canadian PM Trudeau Says Truckers Protesting Covid Passports Are A "Small, Fringe Minority"
Global News reports -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remarked on the "Freedom convoy" heading to Ottawa this week, saying Wednesday that the "fringe minority" in the truck convoy with "unacceptable views" do not represent the way most Canadians feel.
Source: - 1.27.2022

First Nations, other cultures helping trucker convoy
First Nations, Hutterite communities, and Canadian veterans are coming together to show support for the Freedom Convoy, says Dave MacKenzie, owner of Canadian Trucking Magazine.
The Kanyen’kehà:ka (Mohawk) First Nations and the Mi’kmaq Nation participated in convoy celebrations, MacKenzie told the Western Standard.
Source: - 1.27.2022
A cross-country truck convoy reaches Canada's capital to protest COVID restrictions
OTTAWA, Ontario — Thousands of protesters gathered in Canada's capital on Saturday to protest vaccine mandates, masks and lockdowns.
Some parked on the grounds of the National War Memorial and danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, others carried signs and flags with swastikas and some used the statue of Canadian hero Terry Fox to display an anti-vaccine statement, sparking widespread condemnation.
Source: - 1.30.2022
The Movement

The freedom convoy is becoming like a movement. Other countries are picking up this concept of protesting against the mandates and unjust laws, according to rumors.
It contagious. Like a pandemic of minds that saw a glimpse of a brighter future, and the will to see more of this future, without tyrannical rules.
Some other countries are planning to do the same, or have already started it.
And the truck convoy movement caught Elon Musk's attention. He sent out a Tweet about the freedom convoy.
Canadian truckers rule
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 27, 2022
Billionaire Elon Musk tweets support for Canadian truckers
Billionaire Elon Musk has tweeted his support for Canadian truckers and, given the timing, it appears to be a thumb’s up to the truck drivers protesting vaccine mandates for cross-border drivers and other lockdown restrictions.
Source: - 1.27.2022
Hundreds of truck drivers protest against compulsory corona vaccination by driving for days
More and more truckers are joining on the 4400-kilometer journey: hundreds of truck drivers have been driving through Canada for a week to protest against mandatory corona vaccination. Thousands of people greet the "Convoy for Freedom" in the capital Ottawa.
Source: - 1.27.2022
4400-kilometer journey. That's a significant number, isn't it?
Farmers blockade Coutts border crossing, plan to stay until vax mandates lifted
More than a thousand Albertans in hundreds of trucks and vehicles have descended on Alberta’s Coutts border and have stopped all cross-border travel.
Travel has been completely blocked on both sides of the border. Semi-trucks have been parked in both lanes approaching the border on either side.
Source: - 1.29.2022
Trick Track the Truck?
The big question we like to ask is: how did the truck convoy started in Canada?
Was it a group of truckers on CB-radio talking about the vax mandates and started to plan the historical truck convoy? And from there it spread like a new variant?
Or did it all started years ago on a drawing table, in an expensive office, with tentacles over the world, planning a New Reset for the world? And the truck convoy is a prelude for something sinister?
Perhaps it's an impromptu action taken by the usual suspects, in order to curb the ongoing mass awakening?
Wikipedia has a rather large article regarding the Canadian Truck Convoy movement. But they don't really mention the origin of this protest.
Hundreds of truck drivers protest against compulsory corona vaccination by driving for days
The first convoy departed Prince Rupert on January 22, arriving in Prince George in the evening. The following day, another convoy left from Delta with supporters gathering along Highway 1, the Trans-Canada Highway.
On January 24, a convoy drove through Regina, Saskatchewan and was greeted by supporters. According to police in Regina, about 1,200 vehicles reached the city. On January 25, another convoy passed through Kenora, Ontario, where Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in contact with the convoy stated that 200-300 vehicles would be passing through Kenora. The convoys consist of three main routes across Canada, which will converge for the Ottawa protest on the weekend. The Ottawa Police Service estimated up to 2,000 demonstrators in the city on the weekend.
As of January 26, the OPP estimated approximately 400 vehicles had entered Ontario from the Manitoba border as part of the eastbound convoy. The Kingston Police estimated approximately 300 vehicles (17 full tractor-trailers, 104 tractors without trailers, 424 passenger vehicles and six RVs) to go through Kingston
Is it a Trap?
Is the Canadian Truck Convoy a track laid out by the black hats to trick the people into a trap?
The good willing truck drivers, with sincere intentions to liberate the people from tyrannical laws and poisonous vaxins, follow the track, straight to the capitol of Canada?
And what's the plan? To escalate the situation with black block agent provocateurs? Using piles of bricks, left behind by some... trucks? And after the chaos, arrives the order, to initiate martial law, and blame it on the: 'right wing white supremacy extremists small fringe minority'? A well planned scenario to enforce the vax mandates?
And what's the cargo of these trucks? Do some of the trucks carry scary things from the Ever Green container ship, as was told in: Pandemic Plan-B? ⇒
Or is the plan far more sinister, and we mean: The Plan, as was told in: Impact The Plan? ⇒
A nuclear device on one of those trucks. And in the meantime, there's the threat of incoming asteroids, comets and satellites, as propgandized by mainstream media. And after the smoke has cleared from the blast, no one has time to ask the question: was it an incoming space rock or a M.O.A.B.? Shockwaves reach the United States. Martial Law announced. FEMA camps. And all that.
It doesn't have to be a container with a Maple Leaf symbol. If the Convoy Movement is indeed picked up by other countries: an European truck may do the job. The explosion can cause a Tsunami wave. Replacing the La Palma plan
with a truck convoy detonation.
Are we asking too much questions and we should just go and cheer on a bridge, with a flag?
Or have we become too much alerted, sharpened and perhaps even paranoid, after more that 2 years of rollercoaster rides?
This timeline is a unexpected travel with many factor-x events, a.k.a.: the unknown.
One thing for sure: you can't sit back, watch the show with pop-corn if you're in a rollercoaster.
Is this all real or just: Fantasy and Imagination? ⇒
We think the Worldwide Truck Convoy Movement is a wonderful initiative and a sign of hope.
But we always re-member:
“Hope clouds observation.”
Quote from:Dune by Frank Herbert
And by the way: what about the food supply? ⇒
And what about those 100 monkeys in a... truck? The 100th monkey effect and the 12 monkeys?
Driver who stopped to help when truck carrying 100 lab monkeys crashed in Pennsylvania and put her hand in one of the cages says she now has a cough and pink eye after one of the macaques HISSED in her face
A woman who stopped to help after a truck carrying 100 lab monkeys crashed in Pennsylvania fears she's caught an illness after one of the macaques hissed in her face, leaving her with pink eye symptoms.
Michelle Fallon, from Danville near Scranton, was driving directly behind the vehicle when it crashed, throwing animal crates all over the highway and smashing some to pieces. Three of the macaques escaped and went on the run, but all have since been captured ...
Source: - 1.25.2022
See also: The Second Wave? 12 Monkeys’ Business Lockdown 2.0 - -
Photos and images from social media in this article were published as: Fair Use. Any copyright infringement is NOT intended.
Photo of trucks in header image is from: chrissharkman -
Ottawa: Drone view of freedom convoy truck rally at Parliament of Canada 1-28-2022
Pay Attention Things are Going to Shift here Drastically
Source: ConstitutionalConventions - - 1.26.2022