Operation Musketeer – US Army at Calais-Marck Airport in France

Event: Operation Musketeer - US Army at Calais-Marck airport in France.
Name: US Army, Operation Musketeer, Calais-Marck.
Date: 2.6.2021.
Location: Calais, France, Earth.
News Links: lavoixdunord.fr - 2.6.2021.

The US army and its helicopters disembark for six weeks at Calais-Marck airport

As part of Operation "Musketeer", which aims to strengthen Europe's seafront, the US army and its 60 helicopters will be installed from Wednesday at Calais-Marck airport. It will relieve its troops present in Europe but also test the equipment as well as that of the port of Dunkirk.

Source: lavoixdunord.fr - 2.6.2021.