Name: New York State, Montauk.
Event: State of emergency.
Date: 8.22.2021
Location: New York, United States of America, Earth.
News Link: - 8.21.2021
The hurricane by the name of: Henri is about to hit New York and especially: Long Island. Henri is expected to make its landfall on Sunday, August 22, 2021.
For those who have been researching and seeking truth: the name Long Island is often connected with the Montauk Project. Montauk is an area located in Long Island. Some people say that the Montauk Project is (or was) about research on time travel. Some say it's a place where people are getting programmed, in an MK Ultra way. And some say it's both.
I had the opportunity to visit Long Island, a long time ago, when the Twin Towers were still in place. It was a nice trip. The roads were not very busy, compared to the city. And there's some forest like environment. I really can't remember all the details because all of the sudden I found myself back on the 'mainland', heading to Manhattan. May be the best way to describe such an experience is a: time transportal. This is a true story, not some wild imagination to spice up this article.
There are various mainstream media articles saying that the famous television series: 'Stranger Things' was based on the Montauk Project. Things may getting strange when hurricane Henri hits Montauk and causes the underground facility to crumble, if the facility is still there. Is this the storm they mean when they say: the storm is coming?
Is it the E.L.E. storm?
Governor Cuomo Declares State of Emergency in Advance of Hurricane Henri as Storm Shifts Toward a Direct Hit on Central Long Island
Governor Calls Up 500 National Guard Troops and Directs State Assets and Personnel to Prepare for Serious Storm Impacts in Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Sullivan, Columbia, Delaware, Greene, Broome, Chenango, Otsego, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Albany, Montgomery, Schenectady, Saratoga, and Contiguous Counties
Storm Expected to be Near or At Hurricane Strength When It Makes Landfall Sunday
Main Threats From Storm Will Be Dangerous Surge, Heavy Rain, Strong Winds, Power Outages
Source: - 8.21.2021
Montauk Air Force Base
The Montauk Project is one of the oddest conspiracy theories going. The site was opened to the public on September 18, 2002, as Camp Hero State Park. The Montauk Project is a conspiracy theory that alleges there were a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station in Montauk, New York, for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel. Lucky for them, they didn’t see much action. The story of the Montauk Project originated in the Montauk Project series of books by Preston Nichols which intermixes those stories with stories about the Bulgarian Experiment.[1][2]. Montauk Air Force Station. The eastern tip of Long Island has always had strategic significance, even in the days of the American Revolution. The Air Force remained active at Camp Hero until 1982, and in 1984, the land—deemed environmentally important due to its ecosystems and animal life—was donated to the National Park Service. Established in 1929 and finally decommissioned in the 1980s, Montauk’s Camp Hero is a legendary site among conspiracy buffs. Montauk was always considered a prime location for a possible invasion because of its remoteness and prime location midway between two major American cities.
This Air Station housed a SAGE radar antenna that emits 400-425 MHtz of frequency, which is the same band of frequency needed to enter the consciousness of the human mind. A secret group with Military ties and deep financial pockets developed a new research facility at a derelict Air Force base at Montauk Point, New York. Many of the scenes in “Montauk Chronicles,” a film about mind control and alien experiments having its premiere at Gurney’s Inn tomorrow, were filmed at the Camp Hero base.
The Montauk Project: The Alleged U.S. Military Program That Inspired Stranger Things
The Montauk Project just might be the motherlode of lesser-known conspiracy theories. Time travel, teleportation, and mind control are all integral to the story, while contact with aliens and the staging of Apollo moon landings add color to an already wild yarn. Yet even after all that and the fact that it inspired the wildly successful Netflix series Stranger Things, relatively few have even heard of the Montauk Project story.
So how is it that the Montauk Project — which purports that shadowy elements of the U.S. military turned a pair of military installations on the far reaches of Long Island into a hub of illicit, chilling research into the paranormal — has gone overlooked?
Source: - 1.2.2020
An interesting trying-to-debunk-it-all article. Sometimes it's funny to read those strange debunk things.
Inside the Real-Life Time-Travel Experiment That Inspired 'Stranger Things'
The cultural phenomenon that we now know as Stranger Things was sold under the working title Montauk, and before producers switched the setting to a small town in Indiana, the eerie action of Season 1 was going to take place way out at the eastern end of Long Island. But the thread looped through the eight Stranger Things episodes, the idea that contact between Eleven and the Demogorgon may have opened the portal to the Upside Down, has roots in an incident that conspiracy theorists believe occurred in Montauk in 1983, and ended secret experiments that the US military had been conducting on children for four decades.
Source: - 8.30.2016
Is strange carcass on Staten Island beach another ‘Montauk Monster’?
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- As Staten Islanders gear up for summer, a strange carcass that resembles the remains discovered on a Long Island beach over 10 years ago was found on the beach at Wolfe’s Pond Park in Prince’s Bay over the weekend.
Source: - 6.4.2019
Montauk Monster
The story began on July 23, 2008, with an article in the newspaper The Independent. Jenna Hewitt, 26, of Montauk, and three friends said that they found the creature on July 12 at the Ditch Plains beach, two miles east of the district. The beach is a popular surfing spot at Rheinstein Estate Park owned by the town of East Hampton. Jenna Hewitt was quoted:
We were looking for a place to sit when we saw some people looking at something ... We didn't know what it was ... We joked that maybe it was something from Plum Island.
Life of Al Bielek
... Strange things started to happen to Al soon afterwards.
While in Hawaii in 1956, he had a brief encounter with, who he believes now to be Mark Hammil - the actor in Star Wars. Soon after he was recruited into the Montauk Project. He would work his normal job in California, and take the underground subway to Montauk Long Island to carry out his duties there.
After the time tunnel was perfected, he would simply be teleported to the underground base and returned back to his apartment. During the 1970's, Al was the Program Director for the Psychics who manned the Montauk Chair. Since the Montauk Boys were a key program at Montauk, Al had some influence with the Montauk Boys program.
His duties were to handle the operations of the Mind Control program. He was in regular contact with ...
Reptilians At Montauk
Driving back toward the town, we turned in at Old Montauk Highway. According to the map we had, this road should go into Camp Hero. There was also notations on the map of areas where someone had "felt a void" and very ominous feelings.
While driving down the road, Louise and I both felt this "void". It was one of the strangest feelings I've ever felt. The only way I can describe it is the absence of feeling life, as if nothing lived in this space. I wish I could be more specific. Once past this void, the terrible, ominous feeling hit us very strongly. The road ended abruptly at a dead end. Louise wanted to go back to the hotel, but I insisted that I knew we were close to the radar dish and wanted to check around just a little.
Indications are that tremendous numbers of young people from the streets of America--those millions who for reasons of social disintegration, family conflicts, subliminal entrainment, outright mind manipulation or a combination of these and/or other factors are now filling the streets of American cities and even smaller towns; drifting, homeless and undirected--are being inducted en masse at this period of time and programmed via the technologies perfected at Montauk; computer assisted EM/RF mind control utilizing deliberately caused "multiple personality disorder" syndrome conditions to create thoroughly programmed alternate personalities within targeted subjects. Various combinations of agendas from other projects like Monarch and MK-ULTRA as well as the Montauk Project are being implemented via these operations.
Nearly every major population area in the country has a "Montauk Boys and Girls" project underway at this time. Children programmed through various means, such as having schoolchildren on overnight field trips bunk at "decommissioned" military facilities during which time they are abducted, programmed and returned. Subsequently, triggers and cues embedded in popular mass entertainment (for example, the movie Scream has been cited as inspiring certain of the horrendous, grisly mass murders committed by young adolescents in the U.S. recently) can set these "sleepers" off in predetermined ways.
Parents: more than ever, and in ways you would never have dreamed of, watch out for your children--who they are with, what the influences on them are, where they go, what they are interested in.

For all the people in the Big Apple and beyond: Stay safe, stay healthy!
New York State of Emergency – Hurricane Henri is About to Hit Long Island, Montauk
Written by: Chronological Nonlinear Time Navigator 'Optical Sun' at the Time Transportal. Year 2021.