Council of Europe Prohibits States from Making COVID Vax Mandatory

Event: Council of Europe Prohibits States from Making COVID Vaccination Mandatory.
Name: Council of Europe, COVID-19, Vaccines.
Date: 3.16.2021.
Location: Europe, Earth.
News Link: – 1.27.2021.

Council Of Europe…
… Council of Europe resolution has been voted that prohibits states from making vaccination against the covirus mandatory or that it can be used to discriminate against workers or anyone who does not get vaccinated. Here is the text extracted at specific points and the full resolution in original and original link.

Source: – 3.16.2021

Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations
Resolution 2361 (2021)

Assembly debate on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting) (see Doc. 15212, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Jennifer De Temmerman). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting).

Source: – 1.27.2021

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