2017, Wait a Sec…

The new year always starts with a bang. Worldwide there will be fireworks and parties. But this year, the new year will start with something extra. 

There will be 61 seconds in the minute leading up to midnight on December 31. To be exactly: in the UTC timezone. 
UTC is a compromise between the English CUT, Coordinated Universal Time and the French TUC, Temps universel coordonné. In the military they call the UTC: Zulu time. For probably most timetravellers it's the main timezone to navigate between timelines. 

The reason for the France-based International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service to make this one second adjustment is because the Earth rotation is slowing. They have to make sure that the Zulu time is in sync with Earth's rotation.

"Even though there has only been one second (added)
every two years or so, the rate of leap seconds is going to
increase over time because the Earth's rotation is slowing,"
said Dr Michael Wouters, head of time and frequency at Australia's
National Measurement Institute.

Source: stuff.co.nz

The rotation of planets and especially Earth is enough food for thought for the Transportal Reporters.
Other things come to our minds, such as: the Schumann resonation and ferquencies of various elements. All this forming the concept and the experience of time.

1972. Year of the First Extra Second

But for now, we'll focus on the atomic clocks and the extra second being added at the arrival of 2017.
The first time a leap second was added was in 1972. Interesting to note that this was the time of the Vienam war.
The time and place of Louis , who may have experienced a form of time travel?
1972 was also the only year that leap adjustments were made in two months; June and in December.
After that adjustments were made only in June or December, never two times in one year.

The last time a second was added was in June the 30th, 2015.
Seconds were added and never have been a second taken away. This may also indicate elemens of timeprotals and timetravellers. Because an extra second will give the travellere some extra space as well, to make sure the coordinates of arrival are right on track.
Imagine you arrive at a timezone destination and a second was removed just before your arrival.
Then you'll arrive in a sceond that doesn't exist.

For the arrival of this new year you just have to wait a sec.