A Time Translator can be a person, a group, an idea, invention, discovery or a movement that has contributed to the collective mind and society of humanity regarding the aspects of the dynamics of time.
A yellow umbrella and a fluorescent yellow vest. These are not props for a science fiction movie about a dystopian world after the Ragnarok Climate Climax. These are the main symbols of protests that peaked in the year 2019: the Hong Kong protests and the French Yellow Vests.
There were many other protests worldwide in 2019. They were all part of a galactic awakening process and in some cases probably steered by a government or another organization to control a certain agenda.
Revolutionary Time Translators
All forms of protests, demonstrations, revolts or any other way of challenging an authority in society is a form of time translation. When a government, organization or other authority has plans to put certain laws or demands into the timeline of society and a group of people are against these demands, then actually it's a protest against a plan into the timeline.
The protests are translating the language of time by people who speak their mind in the timeline that was about to change via the plans of the authority.
And by challenging the demands of the authority, the timeline is changed. The authority that wants to put the demands has to reset it's plans in the timeline.
The Hong Kong protesters and the Yellow Vests movement are Time Translators because they were the spark of new forms of demonstrations. Both were not limited by a one day demonstration and they were based on basic principles: human rights and freedom of speech. And the protesters made full use of modern days guerrilla marketing tactics and ways to defend them self against possible violence. Especially the Hong Kong protesters who went a level further by interfering in the matrix of urban biometric control systems.
Time translation is about the translation of revolutionary time.
a very important change in the way that people do things ...
a circular movement ...
one complete circular movement of something, for example a wheel
Source: dictionary.cambridge.org
We at the time transportal don't want to promote violence, riots and destruction of property or any negative actions that sometimes occurs during protests and demonstrations. But in some cases when a government can act violent against it's citizens, it's hard to determine who's is the attacker and who's the defender.
The Gilet Jaunes or Yellow Vests and the Hong Kong protesters seem very sincere and unique in their approach, except for some rioters who are always present by any demonstration these days. The rumor goes that the rioters are often hired pawns or agents in disguise to stir up peaceful demonstrations and by doing so; steer the public opinion regarding peaceful demonstrations. In both cases Hong Kong and France the protests turned into clashes with police units who often used too much aggression and violence towards the working class people who want to speak their mind via public protests. This resulted in more protests against police violence and a stronger call for the politicians to take the demands of the protesters more serious instead of just sending police personnel to break up the protests.
Working Class Heroes
Whether you consider the protesters as heroes or not, is up to you of course. Many and perhaps all the demonstrations and protests that peaked in 2019 included mostly the working class and students. Working class heroes and young people who work hard to study and prepare them self for society, to become part of the working class.
In countries with democracy people suppose to have freedom of speech. Protests are often started when the voice of the public is not being heard or not taken seriously in the political arena. Or when a government wants to introduce a new law or bill which is not beneficial for the people which was the case in Hong Kong and France.
Protests can erupt out of anger, sadness and the feeling of not being taken seriously as a hard working individual in society. When many of these individuals join hands, unite and organize in public to express their voices and opinions it's called a protest or demonstration and becomes one voice.
Depending on point of view, these protests are not acts of rebellion but more ways of expression of society-conscious individuals.
“Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”
George Orwell, 1984
Protests of 2019
The Protests of 2019–20, also known as the Global Protest Wave of 2019, is a term used to describe the abnormally large number of high profile protests that happened during 2019 and have continued into 2020; protests classified in the "wave" included those in the Arab world, Hong Kong, France, Catalonia and Latin America. The mainstream media has describe them as having many causes in common, as influencing each other and as having many differences in specific causes.
According to Jackson Diehl of The Washington Post, these protests made the year 2019 into "the year of the street protester" and were defined by other journalists and academics in similar terms. Julie Norman of University College London described 2019 as historically notable because of "the degree of mobilization,"
Source: wikipedia.org
Gilets Jaunes - Yellow Vests
I searched for yellow vests in Google and got only results regarding the yellow vests protests in France. Nothing about shopping or anything else about yellow vests, which means the name yellow vests has manifested itself in the collective in synergy with the word protest or demonstration. The yellow vest has become a symbol synonymous with the protests in France and expanded further to to other countries which made this symbol stronger.
The Gillet Jaunes protests started in October 2018 and it's still going today on in 2020.
Follow the latest Tweets for the latest updates:
The yellow vests movement or yellow jackets movement (French: Mouvement des gilets jaunes, pronounced [muvmɑ̃ de ʒilɛ ʒon]) is a populist, grassroots political movement for economic justice that began in France in October 2018. After an online petition posted in May had attracted nearly a million signatures, mass demonstrations began on 17 November. The movement was initially motivated by rising fuel prices and a high cost of living; it claims that a disproportionate burden of the government's tax reforms were falling on the working and middle classes, especially in rural and peri-urban areas. The protesters have called for lower fuel taxes, a reintroduction of the solidarity tax on wealth, a minimum-wage increase, the implementation of Citizens' initiative referendums, among other things. On 29 November 2018, a list of 42 demands was made public and went viral on social media, becoming de facto a structuring basis for the movement, covering a wide range of eclectic topics, mostly related to democracy, social and fiscal justice.
Source: wikipedia.org
The protests spread to other countries and the yellow vest became a symbol of protesting unfair government rules.
France's 'gilets jaunes' protests spread to Belgium
The ‘gilet jaune’ (‘yellow vest’) wave from France reached the centre of Brussels on Friday.
Protesters in the Belgian capital, inspired by the French anti-tax movement, disrupted traffic and threw rocks at the office building of Prime Minister Charles Michel.
Source: euronews.com - 11.30.2018
The Gilet Jaunes Are Still Protesting
Police use tear gas in new 'yellow vest' protests in Paris
French police have fired tear gas at protesters hurling projectiles and arrested dozens of people as thousands of "yellow vest" anti-government protesters returned to the streets of Paris.
Source: aljazeera.com - 1.19.2020
France strikes: PM offers to temporarily withdraw controversial pension plans on 38th day of nationwide protests
The French Prime Minister has offered to temporarily withdraw plans for controversial pension reforms following weeks of protest action in towns and cities across the country.
Source: independent.co.uk - 1.11.2020
Yellow vest protests are erupting around the world
This powerful movement appears to be spreading. Protesters in Iraq, Bulgaria, Israel, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and other countries have taken to the streets in reflective yellow vests, too.
Source: weforum.org - 2.7.2019
Police backup called to guard President Macron as protesters try to storm theater
Police in Paris were forced to call for backup on Friday as dozens of protesters outside a theater tried to storm the building and reach President Emmanuel Macron.
The Elysee presidential palace told CNN that protesters had tried to enter the building, while video on social media shows police tussling with protesters outside the Bouffes du Nord theater's building. Several demonstrators entered the building before being dragged back out by police.
French police face probe after video emerges of Paris protest clashes
French prosecutors have launched a probe into alleged police violence after a video emerged that appeared to show an officer firing point-blank at protesters with a riot control gun at a Paris march backing strikes.
Source: thelocal.fr - 1.11.2020
Yellow Vests Protest Police Brutality - Twitter Video
Elderly Citizen to french Police “You defend what! .... you defend the rich and #Macron .... nothing else!“ #France #GreveGenerale #GiletsJaunes #reformedesretraites
— nonouzi (@Gerrrty) January 16, 2020
Yellow Vests Protest Police Brutality 2 - Twitter Video
Is Tear Gas A Chemical Weapon?
Tear gas is often used by police personnel against protesters, to control the crowd. It's logic that order must be maintained for everybody and to avoid aggression and violence. The use of tear gas may be somewhat too severe to be used as a crowd controller because it probably can be classified as a chemical weapon.
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
Geneva, 3 September 1992
1. Chemical Weapons – their Characteristics and Properties
In order to qualify as a chemical weapon, the toxic effect of the munitions must not necessarily be lethal. Other forms of harm (incapacitation) are sufficient even if they are only temporary. Whether chemicals which under normal conditions of use only cause short term irritation (e.g., tear gas) are also covered is controversial.
Toxic chemicals can spread over large areas and affect large numbers of people. Chemical weapons are therefore considered as “weapons of mass destruction”.
3. The Prohibitions and Obligations
Third, a prohibition belonging to the law of armed conflict: the prohibition to use chemical weapons, including a prohibition to use riot control agents as a method of warfare. As to the prohibition of herbicides, the CWC only refers in its preamble to other relevant rules of international law.
Source: legal.un.org
Chemical weapon
A chemical weapon (CW) is a specialized munition that uses chemicals formulated to inflict death or harm on humans. According to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), "the term chemical weapon may also be applied to any toxic chemical or its precursor that can cause death, injury, temporary incapacitation or sensory irritation through its chemical action. Munitions or other delivery devices designed to deliver chemical weapons, whether filled or unfilled, are also considered weapons themselves."
Chemical weapons can be widely dispersed in gas, liquid and solid forms, and may easily afflict others than the intended targets. Nerve gas, tear gas and pepper spray are three modern examples of chemical weapons.
After the Second World War, it was again the use of chemical weapons, namely, the use of tear gas and herbicides by the United States in the Vietnam War, which triggered new attempts to strengthen their ban.
Source: wikipedia.org
The Umbrella Revolution
The protests in Hong Kong can be identified by the yellow umbrella logo but the most unique part of these time translating protests are the protesters them self.

Fully prepared against police brutality the protesters, mostly young students went to the streets to express their demands. Wearing rain coats, gas masks and with an umbrella in their hand they faced the harsh regime of the Chinese government.
Being caught by agents of the matrix if never a good thing but being caught by Chinese agents is perhaps one of the worst things. The protesters know this and when they're caught by agents they scream their names and the words that they would never kill them self...
This says enough about the dangers the protesters are facing and the methods of a government that doesn't like people speaking their minds too loud, especially in such an organized form as the Hong Kong protesters.
The Hong Kong protesters are revolutionary time translators, as you can see in the following images and news links here below ...

Hong Kong protesters made history in 2019
In March 2019 the government of Hong Kong proposed a bill that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China. In response, the people of Hong Kong took to the streets in record-breaking numbers.
On one day, 16 June, up to 2 million people marched peacefully in the streets of Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong police have responded to the protests with batons, tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and water cannons.
Although the Extradition Bill has now been dropped, the movement has evolved into a much wider call for change and protests in Hong Kong continue.
Beijing considers pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong to be a threat to China’s national security. The Hong Kong authorities have increasingly been using this justification to target activists, especially since the 2014 “Umbrella Movement”.
Source: amnesty.org
Hong Kong Protesters Are Declaring 'I Won't Kill Myself' Just in Case They Disappear
The video first showed up on Twitter, and in many ways it’s just like many others from Hong Kong. It showed a young man with bleached hair wearing a face mask being arrested by two officers from the Hong Kong Police Force. The man with blonde hair was in cuffs being led away, when a second protestor run by with a camera and shouted to the arrestee “who are you?” The bleach-haired man then turned and looked into the camera:
“My name is Lee Chun Hin,” he shouted back. "I will not commit suicide!" and then he was struck across the cheek by an officer’s gloved hand.
Source: vice.com - 12.20.2019
2019 Hong Kong Protests Timeline
A timeline of the developments surrounding the extradition amendments introduced by the Hong Kong SAR government, which triggered a series of mass demonstrations, including a march of an estimated two million people on June 16, 2019, the largest in Hong Kong’s history.
Source: hrichina.org - Human Rights in China
Hong Kong police have AI facial recognition tech — are they using it against protesters?
Police have been able to use the technology from the Sydney-based iOmniscient for at least three years, and engineers from the company have trained dozens of officers on how to use it, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the information isn’t public. The software can scan footage, including from closed-circuit television, to match faces and license plates to a police database and pick out suspects in a crowd.
Hong Kong’s Mask Ban Pits Anonymity Against the Surveillance State
For Hong Kong's anti-government protestors, who originally took to the streets four months ago to object to a proposed law that would allow people to be extradited to mainland China for trial, the mask is a necessary tool to avoid the feared hand of Beijing's surveillance apparatus.
Source: fortune.com - 10.4.2019
Hong Kong protesters knock down alleged ‘facial recognition tower
Protesters in Hong Kong destroyed a “smart” lamppost on Saturday over fears that the device is equipped with facial recognition software and was being used for surveillance.
Source: dailydot.com - 8.25.2019

Hong Kong Protest Police Brutality - Twitter Video
[RECAP] he obviously detained without any resistance against the #hongkongpolice.
— CH (@CH_HONGKONG) January 15, 2020
pure #policebrutality.#freehk #freedomhk #hongkong #hongkongprotest #hongkongprotests #policestate #soshk #standwithhongkong #hk pic.twitter.com/x4hn4LWZxF
seriously appreciate the #hongkong people, so much patience, for 7 months already and constantly dealing with these #policebrutality by #hongkongpolice.
— CH (@CH_HONGKONG) January 12, 2020
RECAP #freehk #freedomhk #hongkongprotest #hongkongprotests #policestate #soshk #standwithhongkong #hk pic.twitter.com/WuvFg19EJW
Hong Kong Protest Police Brutality 3 - Twitter Video
honestly lost of words, group of #hongkongpolice beating one teen who wasn’t resisting. then sit on him with their legs going up and down. and the HKgov thinks this is ok. #policebrutality #policestate
— CH (@CH_HONGKONG) January 12, 2020
-#打到仆街 #freedomhk #freehk #hongkong #hongkongprotest #hongkongprotests pic.twitter.com/aataceYiXv
The video is graphic but nothing is more terrifying than that these murders are claimed to be "not suspicious suicide cases” by #HongKongPolice.
— Katniss Forsberg (@KatnissForsberg) January 13, 2020
An unconscious man was thrown off and found dead. He lived 45mins away from this death scene. #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtest pic.twitter.com/XbP60y2g0X
Let us not forget the people in Venezuela, and other countries, who have to struggle real hard to survive.
We didn't include the Venezuelan protests as time translators but perhaps we should. Their protests and demonstrations lasted for long as well. While they had very little to eat, still they kept on going to fight for basic human rights.
Timeline: Venezuela's Political Standoff
Venezuela’s crisis reached a breaking point in early 2019. At the heart of it is a constitutional battle playing out between the dueling administrations of Nicolás Maduro and interim president Juan Guaidó.
Source: as-coa.org - 7.31.2019
Hunger sparked by food shortages and hyperinflation is overwhelming hungry Venezuelans
“We eat what people give us. My husband works as a watchman, but his salary is not enough to buy food. We have gone up to two days without eating,” said Morales, accompanied by her sons — ages 8, 4, and 1 — as she waited in the slow-moving line.
Source: miamiherald.com - 1.6.2019
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984