

The Time Transportal website is an art, various timelines, space, time travel and the current world timeline and events research website.
We're Processing Global Time Line Key Frames Since 2016.
The Time Transportal not necessarily underline or agree with some of the points of views and articles featuring on this website.
The Time Transportal is not a medical website nor adviser. Always consult your GP, Medicine Man, Shaman, Brujo or yourself for medical advise on this current timeline.
Some photography and illustrations are from the Time Transportal. Some are from stock(photo) resources.
We try to make articles as complete as possible with information including external sources.
If you see any errors, mistakes or otherwise matters that do not comply with the current timeline or content in articles, you can contact us.
The Time Transportal is for Time Travelers, Astronauts, Cosmonauts, Psychonauts, Yeti’s, Extra Terrestrials, Earthlings, Aghartians, Asgardians, Stranger Things, Animals, Hybrids, Humans, Cyborgs, A.I. and many more who would like an update on the current timeline events and news on Earth and beyond.

We hope you enjoy your visit at the Time Transportal.