An interview with Kaan Sarıaydın was aired by the Turkish television channel Beyaz. Only a small part of this broadcast was uploaded on YouTube. Another part of the video was recently uploaded to reveal more about the plans of the Global Structure.
Mavi Gazetem is a Turkish online newspaper. It means; My Blue Newspaper, according to Google translation. Mavi Gazetem gained worldwide fame, almost instantly. This was due to several articles written by: Kaan Sarıaydın. He wrote about the real things that happened at the Suez Canal and the Ever Given. Things that were not mentioned in mainstream media, until Kaan Sariaydin was invited to speak about this subject on Turkish television.
In this television broadcast 'Evergreen's Secret 2nd Part: The Plan to poison the Land! Kaan Sariaydin Revealed All!' he talked about a secret Techno Weapon that was in (some of) the containers on the Ever Given and the plans the so called Global Structure had to use it to pollute the land.
This article is is an overview of the broadcast: Plan B following the Evergreen Operation! Cancer will Completely Disappear! - 4.24.2021 -, with additional information added in this article.
We strongly advise you to watch the video of the broadcast of Turkish television channel Beyaz.
- Plan B following the Evergreen Operation! Cancer will Completely Disappear! - 4.24.2021 -
- 'Evergreen's Secret 2nd Part: The Plan to poison the Land! Kaan Sariaydin Revealed All!' -
- If you have not read it yet, please start with the previous article for a chronological overview of events:
Ever Given Green Gate – UPDATE 4.30.2021 – Kaan Sariaydin NEW Turkish Television Broadcast: Evergreen’s Secret 2nd Part – An Overview ⇒
Table of Contents | Jump to Chapter
- There's Really Something Strange Going On.
- Plan B Following the Evergreen Operation.
- Artificial Lifestyle Project.
- Triple U Project.
- Cancer Will Disappear.
- Pharmakeia.
- Insomnia and Eye Vision.
- An Overview of what Kaan Sariaydin said.
- Electromagnetic Waves and Eyesight.
- Vaccines and Eyesight.
- Aluminum and Eyesight.
- The Pineal Gland and the Third Eye.
- U Use Drugs - U Sleep - U Forget.
- Oculists.
- Eugenics.
- U Genics U Turn.
- Conclusion.
⇓ UPDATES 6.1.2021
More Children With Vision Problems. Pink Eye.
Kaan Sariaydin - Plan B following the Evergreen Operation! Cancer will Completely Disappear!
If you have not read it yet, start with the previous article:
Ever Given Green Gate – UPDATE 4.30.2021 – Kaan Sariaydin NEW Turkish Television Broadcast: Evergreen’s Secret 2nd Part – An Overview
There's Really Something Strange Going On
On the website you can see that the Ever Given is still at anchor in the lake in the Suez Canal. This is not necessarily a strange thing. Mainstream media reported that this is because of the costs that have to be paid by the owners of the Ever Given.
Ever Given cargo ship that blocked the Suez Canal to remain in Egypt by court order
It remains held in a lake between two stretches of the canal as a dispute continues over a $1.2 billion claim by the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) against the Japanese owner for compensation.
Source: - 5.4.2021

The strange thing is that the Ever Given is still the only ship in the lake in the Suez Canal. Only a few vessels around the Ever Given, who were there also when the blockade started. These vessels have some interesting names:
- Baraka 1. Tug vessel. MO number: 9038361
- Mosaed 2. Tug vessel. MO number: 9581485
- Mosaed 3. Tug vessel. IMO number: 9581497
- Misr 2. Tanker. IMO number: -
No (large) cargo vessels in the Suez Canal. This was also on April 17, the last time we visited Only then the Ever Given was completely alone, without tug vessels around. You can see the screen image of April 17 in our article: Ever Given Green Gate – UPDATE 4.30.2021 – Kaan Sariaydin NEW Turkish Television Broadcast: Evergreen’s Secret 2nd Part – An Overview ⇒
At the entrance of the Suez Canal (not visible on the image) there's a large group of ships waiting to pass through the canal. Why is the Ever Given still almost alone in the lake in the Suez Canal?
- Is it because they want to protect the Ever Given from piracy? They keep this ship alone to prevent people looting and stealing the cargo?
- We think not. Many giant cargo ships sail through the Suez Canal carrying millions of Dollars of cargo.
The Suez canal is well guarded.
- We think not. Many giant cargo ships sail through the Suez Canal carrying millions of Dollars of cargo.
- Is it because they don't want much traffic of ships? They want to avoid another container ship getting stuck in the canal?
- We think not. There were ships passing through the Suez Canal, after the Ever Given was released and brought to the lake in the canal.
- Is it because of a glitch on the website of ? May be the lake is full of other vessels, but due to a computer glitch these vessels are not shown. The same glitch Ever Given experienced when she entered the Suez Canal?
What is the reason for the Ever Given being alone in that lake, except for three tug vessels? May be they don't want anybody nearby to see what is really happening?
Plan B Following the Evergreen Operation
The recent video that was uploaded on YouTube is the same broadcast with television host Ferda Yildirim Yilmazoglu and Kaan Sarıaydın on the Turkish television channel Beyaz. This recent video is called: Plan B following the Evergreen Operation! Cancer will Completely Disappear!
We think that the reason for Mavi Gazetem to upload the same television show broadcast in separate videos, is because the viewer has to comprehend the information step-by-step. In the first videos, Kaan Sarıaydın reveals the real reason for the Ever Given Suez Canal blockade, the secret cargo and the plans of the Global Structure (Cabal) to use a technological weapon.
In the recent video Plan B following the Evergreen Operation! Cancer will Completely Disappear! he explains what the Global Structure planned for their second project.
They isolated people from their communities, partners, friends! They worked this plan step by step
You See …This is all interlinked! You can’t look at this individually! You won’t see the whole picture if you say: it just as a virus! This is not how it works! All this is interlinked and intertwined!
These are very Comprehensive Projects!
I have also got a difficult job on my hand here, in this limited time we have we can’t get in the finer details. Time is not sufficient and we can’t do a TV programs every day, can we? My time is restricted, yours too…
Restricted Time
The Time Transportal is exploring the dynamics of space and time and processing global events timeline key frames.
We hope that we completely understand and innerstand well, when Kaan Sarıaydın says:
I have also got a difficult job on my hand here, in this limited time we have we can’t get in the finer details. Time is not sufficient and we can’t do a TV programs every day, can we? My time is restricted, yours too…
That is one the reasons we wrote another article (this one) about the Turkish television broadcasts with Kaan Sarıaydın. Because it's the nucleus of the matter when it comes to the core processing dynamics of the Time Transportal.
Artificial Lifestyle Project
Kaan Sarıaydın explains that the Globalist Structure first project was the pandemic.
It was called Plandemy immediately followed by The Second Project: Artificial Life
The second project was the Artificial Lifestyle Project. The ingredients for this project were carried by the Ever Given container ship. The plan was to bring these ingredients to certain 5G transmission locations. But the Artificial Lifestyle Project could not be executed due to the Ever Given Suez Canal blockade.
Now, let me explain! This would have been the new Invasion Project, the Artificial Life Project. This was prevented! Plan was to poison the earth (soil), but…
A short overview:
- The first project of the Global Structure was the pandemic also known as: the Plandemy.
- See also: Category Corona and COVID-19 ⇒
- See also: Category Corona and COVID-19 ⇒
- This Plandemy project was to:
- get people into lockdowns.
- wearing masks, getting less oxygen.
- separate people from families and friends.
- cause loneliness.
- social distance.
- The second project was the Artificial Lifestyle Project.
- The Artificial Lifestyle Project was to destroy large parts of land.
- This destruction would cause famines and riots.
- The Techno Weapon, a primal element in this plan, was intercepted and destroyed by Nationalist Powers.
- The Global Structure (Cabal) had to switch to their plan B.
- Plan B was the Triple U Project.
- The plans for the Triple U Project have been revealed on Turkish television.
First Project was called Plandemy immediately followed by The Second Project: Artificial Life
One second, let’s pause here for a moment, so that I understand what’s going on (Ferda Yildirim)
We are trying to interpret the process here that started with Coronavirus.
Mr Kaan Sariaydin explained this already in the beginning (of our TV Program). We are NOT saying that Coronavirus doesn’t exist, there is a virus!
What we are saying : It is NOT a Pandemic , (It was planned and executed). Mr Kaan Sariaydin said it isn’t a Pandemic, but it’s called a Plandemic.
This process (Timeframe) that we left behind we call Plandemy (Plandemic) is being replaced by what?
If this (Evergreen) was all successful what would have followed?
The Artificial Life Project (Kaan Sariaydin)
The Artificial Life Project? (Ferda Yildirim)
Triple U Project

The Artificial Lifestyle Project could not be implemented, because of the Suez Canal blockade. The Artificial Lifestyle Project was to cause famine, after the lockdowns.
The techno weapon, that was carried as cargo by the Ever Given, was meant to start the destruction of land, spreading infestations, causing animals and plants to perish.
The plan of the Cabal, the Globalist Structure was to start mass famines, hunger, diseases and riots.
The Global Structure have always a backup projects, a spare plans. Plan B's. And so was the case with the Artificial Lifestyle Project. Their spare plan is the Triple U Project.
The Triple U Project was also a follow up of the first project (the Plandemy), but it has a different touch, so to speak. Or do we have to say: a different view? A different... window? Because it has a lot to do with eyes and vision. And the Triple U Project offers a medicine and a solution for a problem.
Problem. Reaction. Solution.
The first stage of this project is to bring a medicine for cancer. And cancer will disappear. For real. No strings attached. No side effects? We don't know for sure, but it must be as real as possible because trust is needed for more public demand. People must regain their trust towards big-pharma and governments, this is necessary for the next stage of the Triple U Project.
Cancer Will Disappear
A medicine for cancer. Officially. So, what's the catch in all this great news?
Bayer CEO: New Cancer Medicine for Rich People, Not Indians
“We did not develop cancer drug Nexavar for Indians” said Bayer’s CEO Marijn Dekkers, we made it for “western patients who can afford it”…
Source: - 1.31.2014
Medicine is just for those who can afford it
CEO Marijn Dekkers said that Bayer “didn’t develop this product for the Indian market; we developed it for Western patients who could afford it.”
Source: - 3.14.2014
Pharmakeia - φαρμακεία
This is from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "a preparer of drugs, a poisoner, a sorcerer12" from p12harmakon "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment." Beekes writes that the original meaning cannot be clearly established, and "The word is clearly Pre-Greek." The ph- was restored 16c. in French, 17c. in English.
- Source:
pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: pharmakeia
Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i'-ah)
Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Usage: magic, sorcery, enchantment.
- Source:

People will (again) trust big pharma and governments when the medicine for cancer is offered to the public. And this exactly the plan. When people have regained their trust towards big pharma, people will have less doubts for the next generation of medicines.
And the people think and feel they need it. They want the next-gen meds.
The people are tired and getting depressed from the long term lockdowns, social distance, lack of sunshine and less contact with other people.
They’ve shut everyone indoors!
They distanced all people from each other, pushed people to their lonely corners, caused economic pressure, stress, fear of death and worry about their future. Didn’t they?
Fear of something happening to your children, Fear of what’s your future going to be like; all these events accompanied with digitalizing was an attack on you!
What happens as a result of this?
Well pretty much all people developed some (health) problems, Psychologically!
Insomnia and Eye Vision
It doesn't need further explanation that the pΙandemic and lockdowns have caused a lot of of stress, sadness and depression. In the broadcast of the television channel Beyaz, Kaan Sarıaydın also mentions that Turkey (his homeland) has the highest rate of people having psychological and spiritual problems because of the pandemic project (Plandemy).
Turkey with a high of 60% from all participants has topped the survey as the highest country suffering from mental and spiritual health disorder caused by Covid 19 Pandemic!
On top of this is the increase of people having problems with eye vision, blurry view and not seeing well. This is happening worldwide. From our personal observation; we have noticed that the increase of people with eye and vision problems started a few years ago. According to Kaan Sarıaydın, a part of the Triple U Project is that people are (slowly) losing their eyesight and vision. This is the first stage of the project.
Another part of this project is that people have sleeping problems, insomnia. The plan is to increase people's anxiety.
Now what happened? Let me give you some data as all this will gradually become daily talk: 2/3 of the population has got sleeping disorder, I mean Seriously …
In reality maybe more than 2/3 of the population even children have sleeping problems. THAT’S 1
2 Eye (Vision) Problems. And this is their 2nd Weapon. 2/3 of the population has started to develop Vision Problems now.
These are not coincidences!
An Overview
An overview of what Kaan Sariaydin said during the broadcast on Turkish television.
'Evergreen's Secret 2nd Part: The Plan to poison the Land! Kaan Sariaydin Revealed All!' - YouTube
- The first project of the Global Structure was the pandemic also known as: the Plandemy.
- The second project was the Artificial Lifestyle Project.
- The Techno Weapon, a primal element in this plan, onboard the Ever Given was intercepted and destroyed by Nationalist Powers.
- The Global Structure (Cabal) had to switch to their plan B.
- Plan B (for the second project) was the Triple U Project.
- Cancer will disappear, to gain trust from the public.
- The people are lockdown tired, sleepless and having eyesight problems.
- A solution for these problems will be presented in the form of Eye Drops.
- The public will accept this solution, because they have trust in big pharma, after cancer disappeared.
- "This Triple U drugs will put U to sleep, make U forget and will quickly lead to personality change in you."
“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.”
- Aldous Huxley. Source:

So now ‘Covid anxiety syndrome’ is a thing? We can’t escape one crisis of inflated health risk by dreaming up new ways to be ill
A small study claiming that “residual anxiety” over coronavirus may lead people to encounter difficulties reintegrating into society, even after the decline of the virus, has been widely reported this week.
Source: - 4.28.2021
Electromagnetic Waves and Eyesight
People who are sensitive to electromagnetic waves and radiation may have noticed a change in eyesight. Some people get a blurry vision from electromagnetic waves.
Ocular effects of radiofrequency energy - 2003 -
Radiation Effects on Vision – Is It Worth Worrying About? - 10.4.2019
Effects of Microwave and Millimeter Wave Radiation on the Eye - 2000 -
5G Side Effects on Your Physical and Mental Health! - 6.14.2019 -
Should You Be Worried About EMF Exposure? - 3.8.2019 -
5G [and 4G-LTE]: Effects on Eyes and Skin - 10.1.2020 -
The Effect of Cell Phone Radiation on Eyes - 6.13.2017 -
Vaccines and Eyesight
The COVID-19 vaccine: Will it affect your vision?
It’s worth noting, though, that at least one isolated incident of an eye-related side effect has been reported — a health care worker in Alaska who experienced eye puffiness after getting a COVID-19 shot. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating this among other rare allergic reactions to the coronavirus vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech.
Source: - Februuary 2019
Coronavirus vaccine: Strangest side-effects discovered so far
Another strange side-effect is the one which has impaired some people's vision right now.
According to some case studies, getting inoculated could leave some people with hazy or blurred vision for a couple of days. In the US, a healthcare worker also developed eye puffing after getting a shot.
Although unusual and slightly worrisome, experts believe that vision problem could also be commonly experienced with other vaccines, such as the flu vaccine and hence, shouldn't be a big reason to doubt the effectiveness or safety of the COVID vaccines right now.
Source: - 3.16.2021
Doctors discover new side effects of Pfizer vaccine
0.032% of those vaccinated had vision problems, ...
Source: - 3.6.2021
Aluminum and Eyesight
Diseases Associated with Aluminium Intoxication
H. Tomlinson, M.B., Ch.B., MRCS., LRCPNext come the eye symptoms. The eyelids may stick together during sleep, but the eyes water in the daytime. The eyes look red and irritable. The skin of the lids may be coarsened and rough, and itching may be present. There may be a halo visible around lights, or the sight may go slowly dimmer as if there were a fog. There may be visible bright spots, sparks, or fields of colour. There may be weakness or paralysis of one or more of the eye muscles, and, in some cases, of the ciliary muscle, which controls the size of the pupil. There can be inco-ordination of the eye muscles, so that the sight varies and cannot be kept corrected by glasses.
Aluminum causes a slowly progressive impairment of vision, partly due to changes in the muscles of the eyeball, and partly to changes in other eye tissues.
Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?
Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science's understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted.
Vaccine Side Effects from Aluminium Adjuvants
Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science's understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted.
Pineal Gland and the Third Eye
Aluminum (and fluoride) can calcify the pineal gland. The pineal gland is also known as: The Third Eye.
The Eye of Horus has been used for many metaphors over the years, i.e., “Eye of the Mind, Third Eye, Eye of the Truth or Insight, the Eye of God Inside the Human Mind.”
The ancient Egyptians, because of their beliefs in the Eye of Horus’ mystic powers, gave all of these names to the Eye of Horus.
What is the pineal gland?
Once called the ‘third eye,’ the pineal gland is a small gland located deep in the center of the brain. Named for its pinecone shape, this gland secretes melatonin, which plays a role in the body’s internal clock.
Aluminum and Glyphosate Can Synergistically Induce Pineal Gland Pathology: Connection to Gut Dysbiosis and Neurological Disease
The pineal gland is highly susceptible to environmental toxicants. Two pervasive substances in modern industrialized nations are aluminum and glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide, Roundup?. In this paper, we show how these two toxicants work synergistically to induce neurological damage.
Source: - January 2015
Glyphosate, Aluminum, Fluoride and 5G - effects on the Brain
The pineal gland, an endocrine gland located in the brain, is said to be the seat of the soul. Also referred to as the Third Eye, this small gland is believed to be involved in reaching higher levels of consciousness, acting as a gateway to dimensions beyond our brain-created reality.
Source: - 7.17.2020
Pineal Calcification, Melatonin Production, Aging, Associated Health Consequences and Rejuvenation of the Pineal Gland
The pineal gland, an endocrine gland located in the brain, is said to be the seat of the soul. Also referred to as the Third Eye, this small gland is believed to be involved in reaching higher levels of consciousness, acting as a gateway to dimensions beyond our brain-created reality.
Source: - 7.17.2020
Chronic exposure to aluminum and melatonin through the diet: neurobehavioral effects in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer disease
Aluminum (Al) is a known neurotoxic element involved in the etiology of some serious neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer disease (AD).
Source: - July 2014
U Use Drugs - U Sleep - U Forget
Now they are going to do this! This Drug Industry will soon very quickly will release a drug, medically known as a cure for Anxiety problems.
This Triple U drugs will put U to sleep, make U forget and will quickly lead to personality change in you.
People losing their eyesight from electromagnetic waves, aluminum and vaccines. Aluminum is an ingredient in vaccines and used in some cosmetics.
And people are getting lockdown-tired. 'Covid Anxiety Syndrome' is a new word in the new normal 1984 new speak.
Thesis. Antithesis. Synthesis.
The solution is another medicine. Literally. But this time it´s not a vax nor pills. It´s a solution for your eyes. A solution for anxiety, depression and insomnia.
Eye drops to make your life happier.
For many, these these things will ring a bell. There are many dots to connect in this:
Project U Turn, Hegelian Dialectic plan to make people use a drug or a medicine in the form of eye drops.
The symbols of an eye has been, and still is used in cultures, sects, religions, occult and esoteric groups and organizations.
Talking about occult groups; let's start with the Oculists, not Occultists.
We're not pointing any fingers or blaming any particular group or organization. The biggest usual suspect in all this is still: Big Pharma, who have shown some strange and odd moves when it comes to medicine ingredients, side effects and high profits. We're trying to connect the dots in this grand puzzle of mysteries.
The root word, oculus, is Latin for “eye.” Oculist is actually a rather out-dated and old-fashioned term. Now, the more popular names for these kinds of doctors are ophthalmologist and optometrist.
- Source:
1. A physician who treats diseases of the eyes; an ophthalmologist.
2. An optometrist.
- Source:
Cracking a German Secret Society’s Centuries-Old Encrypted Code
One German order, known as the Oculists, was for centuries thought to be some weird tribe of shadowy optometrists—a secret club for those fascinated by the eye. The group passed on their knowledge in encrypted text, the writing’s true meaning buried by a cipher of symbols and Roman letters.
They Cracked This 250-Year-Old Code, and Found a Secret Society Inside
THE MASTER WEARS an amulet with a blue eye in the center. Before him, a candidate kneels in the candlelit room, surrounded by microscopes and surgical implements. The year is roughly 1746. The initiation has begun.
The master places a piece of paper in front of the candidate and orders him to put on a pair of eyeglasses. "Read," the master commands. The candidate squints, but it's an impossible task. The page is blank.
Source: - 11.16.2012
The Great Enlightenment Society of Oculists
The aims of the Oculists are not clear. Their public records reveal a deep interest in ophthalmology and their obsession with all things ocular is reflected in the society’s regalia. These included a magnifying glass, spectacles, a model of an eye which could be taken apart, a cataract needle and a pair of epilation tweezers. Their seal featured a pince-nez as a crest and a cataract needle and a master hat with an eye-medallion wrapped around the lower part and an eye-medallion on a ribbon at the bottom. There is an eye in the middle and a picture of a cat watching three mice with the legend “heureux quit voit sans etre vu”.
Source: - 7.16.2021
Human Testing, the Eugenics Movement, and IRBs
British scientist Francis Galton (Figure 1) is perhaps best known for his studies that compared the behavioral differences between dizygotic and monozygotic twins, or perhaps for his statistical innovations including the concepts of chi square, regression, and correlation. What many people don't realize, however, is that Galton was also the creator of the field of eugenics. In an 1869 work, Galton assembled biographical information from obituaries and other sources and constructed pedigrees of leading English families, concluding that superior intelligence and abilities were inherited with an efficiency of 20%. From this work, he coined the term "eugenics," meaning "well born," and theorized that humanity could be improved by encouraging the fittest members of society to have more children.
Eugenics genetics
Eugenics, the selection of desired heritable characteristics in order to improve future generations, typically in reference to humans. The term eugenics was coined in 1883 by British explorer and natural scientist Francis Galton, who, influenced by Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection, advocated a system that would allow “the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable.” Social Darwinism, the popular theory in the late 19th century that life for humans in society was ruled by “survival of the fittest,” helped advance eugenics into serious scientific study in the early 1900s.
Eugenics is trending. That’s a problem
The scientist Richard Dawkins sparked controversy when he tweeted that, aside from the moral problems, eugenics would work “in practice.” While that remark is shocking, Dawkins is hardly alone in accepting the premise at the heart of eugenic science and population-control theory. Last year, a group of 11,000 scientists signed a statement urging population control to slow human exploitation of Earth’s fragile resources.
Source: - 2.17.2020
U Genics U Turn

International Hygiene Exhibition in 1911
"The leading figure organizing the exhibition was German philanthropist and businessman Karl August Lingner [de], who had grown wealthy from his Odol mouthwash brand, and was enthusiastic to educate the public about advances in public health.
Lingner had previously organized a public-health exhibition as part of the 1903 Dresden municipal expo, and its success led him to plan a larger endeavor.
The exhibition opened on May 6, 1911, with 30 countries participating, 100 buildings built for the event, and 5 million visitors over its duration.
It emphasized accessible visual representations of the body, and a particular sensation were the transparent organs preserved and displayed according to a method devised by Werner Spalteholz."
A big eye on the poster and some interesting dates and numbers. The notorious numbers 9 and 11 are presented here in this International Hygiene Exhibition in Dresded. May 6, 1911. The year 1911 is obvious when it comes to the combination of numbers 9 and 11. The month May is the fifth month of the year. The day is six.
When we compute these numbers the result is eleven. 5 + 6 = 11.
See also: Category: The 911 Code ⇒
"People simply are not willing to accept the idea that the genetic base on which their character is formed is inferior and should not be repeated in the next generation."
'Galton and Mid Century Eugenics' by Frederick Osborn, Galton Lecture 1956, in Eugenics Review, vol. 48, 1, 1956.
UPDATES. Last update: 6.1.2021
More children battling vision problems thanks to rise in screen time during pandemic
Researchers say the combination of home confinement and too much time looking at digital screens appears to be severely impacting kids’ vision.
Source: - 6.1.2021
Hidden in plain sight: How the COVID-19 pandemic is damaging children’s vision
Eye doctors had planned to celebrate 2020 as the year of vision (as in seeing 20/20). Instead, it will be known as the year that worsened the world’s vision for decades to come. Scientists are attributing this latest health issue — one that is hidden in plain sight — to the pandemic.
Rates of myopia, also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness, have been increasing worldwide for decades. Half of the world’s population is predicted to be myopic by 2050.
Source: - 4.27.2021
Pink Eye May Be a Symptom of COVID-19 in Children, New Study Suggests
On the heels of reports that positive COVID-19 tests among children increased by 21% in the past two weeks, a new study finds that pink eye may be a symptom of the coronavirus in kids. But don’t hit the panic button if your child has red, itchy eyes, say ophthalmologists, physicians who specialize in medical and surgical eye care.
Source: - 8.27.2020
Fetishising Covid-19 ‘burnout’ has become another pandemic & is fuelling an opportunistic mental health industry
It appears that mental health entrepreneurs are competing with one another to see who can get away with coming up with the most dramatic and alarming numbers of people who are burning out.
Source: - 5.19.2021
Why 'getting back to normal' may actually feel terrifying
Doctors are forecasting what some experts are now calling “the fourth wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts say the mental health impacts will be “profound and far-reaching,” likely outlasting the physical health impacts, and straining already-stretched mental health systems in the United States and worldwide.
Source: - 5.20.2021
There are ships sailing through the Suez Canal and the lake in the canal.
The Ever Given is not alone anymore as you can see on the website ⇒
Also interesting:
Explosion Reported On Board Oil Tanker Off Syria
Source: - 5.9.2021
More Mainstream Media News Links regarding he Covid Anxiety Syndrome
COVID-19 anxiety syndrome: A pandemic phenomenon?
Yet, for some, going back out and mixing with other people is a concept filled with fear and anxiety. Despite vaccines and a decrease in disease prevalence, some people experience what scientists call COVID-19 anxiety syndrome.
Source: - 5.7.2021
The COVID-19 anxiety syndrome scale: Development and psychometric properties
The central aim of our study was to widen the mental health response to the COVID-19 pandemic by developing and evaluating a measure that could be used to identify the presence of anxiety syndrome features associated with COVID-19.
Source: - October 2020
The COVID-19 anxiety syndrome scale: Development and psychometric properties
The central aim of our study was to widen the mental health response to the COVID-19 pandemic by developing and evaluating a measure that could be used to identify the presence of anxiety syndrome features associated with COVID-19.
Source: - October 2020
Fears Covid anxiety syndrome could stop people reintegrating
The concept of “Covid anxiety syndrome” was first theorised by professors last year, when Ana Nikčević, of Kingston University, and Marcantonio Spada, at London South Bank University, noticed people were developing a particular set of traits in response to Covid.
Source: - 4.24.2021
Eye Drops in the News
Alcon Launches Systane Hydration Multi-Dose Preservative-Free Lubricant Eye Drops in the U.S.
Alcon (SIX/NYSE: ALC), the global leader in eye care dedicated to helping people see brilliantly, today announced the U.S. launch of the newest addition to its innovative portfolio of dry eye products – Systane® Hydration Multi-Dose Preservative-Free (MDPF) Lubricant Eye Drops.
Source: - 4.28.2021
These Women Take Eye Drops Made From Their Own Blood After Laser Eye Surgery Complications
Now, some women on TikTok say they had complications from two different types of laser eye surgery that's led to them needing to use eye drops made from their own blood for relief.
Source: - 4.30.2021
- The Turkish television channel Beyaz has aired several interviews with Kaan Sariaydin.
- It's a real Turkish national television channel. Not an alternative or 'conspiracy theory' internet channel.
- Beyaz would never broadcast (a few times) someone like Mr. Sariaydin unless he has something real to say.
- He's taking very seriously by the Beyaz channel television host: Ferda Yildirim Yilmazoglu.
- When we connect dots and refer to other events, news articles and other media, we can conclude that the things he said may be very well based on real events and situations.
- The things he said are not absurd and are technological and infrastructure-wise possible.
- The pharmaceutical industry often hit the media headlines due to unethical practices.
- Many people refer to this industry as: Big Pharma. And some people say: Pharmaffia.
- The plan to use pharmaceutical drugs to control people is not something new.
- The plan to use eye drops to genetically modify people's DNA and control them fits the (occult) Eugenics agenda.
- There are various mainstream media and scientific articles regarding the use of aluminum in vaccines and cosmetics.
- There are various mainstream media and scientific articles regarding the damage aluminum can cause to the human brain and particularly the pineal gland.
- The pineal gland is often the primal target, for those who want to control (large) populations.
- Another well known name for the pineal gland is: The Third Eye.
- The symbol of the eye or All Seeing Eye is worldwide known, throughout the ages.
Written by: Thomas I. Voûte | | 2021
A very special thanks to: Kaan Sarıaydın for his work and Beyaz, for broadcasting the information.
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