The title may be misleading: lose it and use it? That's because there are various types of fear.
What sort of fear is a tool and what kind of fear is an obstacle?
There's much to say about fear. Some seek it. Some cause it. And some entities consume it. Fear has always been a part of humanity and history. According to the official narrative. But is this true?
You may have heard stories that mankind was fearless in very ancient times, perhaps in the beginning of mankind on Earth. This could be true when we explore the world of fear. Where does it come from, how does it works and what does it mean.

Fear of the Unknown
This type of fear could be the most common form of fear. Many other types of fear are from the fear of the unknown.
Not knowing what will happen is one of the basic experiences of life on Earth.
And even when you know what will happen in the (near) future, you can experience fear of knowing about the things to come.
Was Nostradamus fearing the future?
Did John experienced fear when he saw visions in his Revelations of a future timeline under A.I. control?
The Mark of the Beast
And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.
Source: Revelations of John in the Bible.

Imagine you see clear visions of these things mentioned by John. It can be very scary, depending on your point of view. Would you fear these visions you have? Or would you fear the message coded in these visions?
John had these visions a long time ago. There was no electricity, internet and Artificial Intelligence. If John had these visions in this era he would look at them much differently. He would perhaps realize that what he seeing in his visions is something like a cybernetic A.I. control grid on planet Earth.
Would he fear these visions more if he lived in this era? Or would the fear of these visions be the same in both, this era and his era. He time-translated the visions into images he's familiar with in his era. Which are not images of technology as we know today.
When he would live in this (our) era, his visions would perhaps contain electronic grids systems, cables, lasers, satellites and more technology images of this era.
We don't know if John experienced fear while having the visions as described in the Bible in The Book of Revelation.
He was strong and brave enough to remember and describe the visions.
We all experience fear of the unknown in our lifetime, for example: when a person loses his job, when a person has to do a job interview, speaking on front of a large audience, moving to a new neighborhood or another country.
Life can have unexpected changes which can cause the feeling of fear.
It doesn't have to be frightful fear. It can be experienced as an excitement. And excitement is something we feel when something is about to happen which we know only a part of but not the whole of the situation to come. Excitement is often associated with something positive. When going to new home on another location can be exciting and also something to fear at the same time.
Comfort, a steady life, and a path to a bright future are the main goals of many life forms on planet Earth. Animals, humans, insects, plants. All seeking a good life without fear. But this is not always the case. Life can have unexpected changes which can cause the feeling of fear. And fear can be a tool. Many animals know this.

Lose Your Fear
Fear of the unknown is often: imagined fear. It doesn't mean it can't be possible or not real. Circumstances can start the process of thinking-about and feeling fear.
And this feeling can be fueled by thoughts.
For example: the fear of losing an income.
This could be possible in certain circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a lot of people losing their income. And it may be possible that a second wave is coming, including lockdowns and more people losing their jobs. This is a fear that can be real.
See also: The Second Wave? 12 Monkeys’ Business Lockdown 2.0
This is fear based on information you have: virus pandemic, lockdowns, forced vaccinations.
Things that are possible.
But it's not the case worldwide, yet. So this fear is based on a possible reality. But it can be fueled by thoughts,
which can increase the feeling of fear. When one has more information and knowledge, the fear can increase or decrease, depending on the type of person and how severe the information is.
When knowing about John and his Revelations (from the Bible), the censorship on messages of some doctors, nurses and scientists, the mainstream media that is bought by big pharma; these times of pandemics can be something to fear... in the mind?
The difficult thing in this situation is that it's not totally imagined. It is based on information. And knowing that there are many people waking up and seeing through the pandemic, the feeling of fear (for the pandemic) you might have can be more at ease or even go away, leaving you with no fear for this situation. Knowing that the timeline is in flux and is changing every moment.
Knowing that the timeline is in flux and is changing every moment.
Information is primal when it comes to fear in the mind. Fear that can be based on possibilities, on pieces of
information. The mind can construct scenarios of situations that could happen. But sometimes the mind goes into overdrive. Thinking too much. Your own thoughts can create a feeling of fear. The Mind Playing Tricks.
This is the type of fear that can be an obstacle. It can make you think not straight anymore. It can take you
off your path, out of focus.
And this type of fear is food for some entities.
The Flyers
A clear description of fear and it's origins could be from Carlos Castaneda in his book: The Active Side of Infinity.
“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so... I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!
"This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico ... They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them."
Source: Carlos Castaneda, The Active Side of Infinity.
Carlos Castaneda was an American author.
Starting with The Teachings of Don Juan in 1968, Castaneda wrote a series of books that describe his training in shamanism, particularly with a group whose lineage descended from the Toltecs.
The books, narrated in the first person, relate his experiences under the tutelage of a man that Castaneda claimed was a Yaqui "Man of Knowledge" named don Juan Matus. His 12 books have sold more than 28 million copies in 17 languages.
Critics have suggested that they are works of fiction; supporters claim the books are either true or at least valuable works of philosophy.
Gnostic Parallels in the Writings of Carlos Castaneda
From:, by John Lash
Through a long process of trial and error, Castaneda manages to alter the parameters of perception and explore other
worlds. In the process of his adventures, he encounters certain alien inorganic beings who present an obstacle or test
for the shaman. In Magical Passes, Castaneda wrote:"Human beings are on a journey of awareness, which has momentarily been interrupted by extraneous forces."
Mud Shadows
In Castaneda's final book, The Active Side of Infinity (1998), Don Juan challenges Castaneda to reconcile man's
intelligence, demonstrated in so many achievements, with,"the stupidity of his systems of beliefs... the stupidity of his contradictory behavior."
Don Juan relates this blatant contradiction in human intelligence to what he calls "the topic of topics," "the most
serious topic in sorcery."This topic is predation.
To the horrified astonishment of his apprentice, the elder sorcerer explains how the human mind has been infiltrated by an alien intelligence:
We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its
prisoners.The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our
protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so...Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores.
They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us
covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.According to Don Juan, the sorcerers of ancient Mexico called the predator, the flyer,
"because it leaps through the air... It is a big shadow, impenetrably black, a black shadow that jumps through the air."
This description matches thousands of accounts of the bizarre jumping movements, sometimes sideways, executed by alien
Greys who accost people at random. Fleeting black shadows are less often reported, but they play the major role in the
long and detailed report of alien activity by John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies.Gnostic writings contain descriptions of alien predators called Archons, Arkontai in Greek. The texts from Nag Hammadi describe them as heavy, elusive, shadowy creatures. The most common name for them is "beings of the likeness, shadow- creatures."
Could the Archons be compared to the "mud shadows" described by Don Juan?
This question raises the general issue of parallels between Don Juan's Central American Toltec shamanism and the
shamanism of the Mystery Schools of ancient Europe. Let's consider some of these parallels.

Invisible Fear
When looking deeper into these matters or anti-matters, one can come to the conclusion that other (invisible) life forms and beings exist on Earth. Entities that we can not perceive with our senses. Invisible life forms that perhaps can be heard and seen by cats, dogs and other animals but mostly not by humans.
Are some of the entities depicted in ancient stones inside and outside temples, churches and cathedrals, worldwide?
Your Shield
It is said that some of the invisible life forms consume the fear energy of humans. This is energy from the: fear created in the mind.
Some say that these entities do not actually eat your fear energy. They consume the shield around your energy core. That shield can be weakened by: created fear, created in the mind.
See also: Invisible friends
Use Your Fear
Some say that humans were fearless in the beginning. And when the invisible predators arrived; fear was a tool to detect them.
The same tool you need when you go on a dangerous journey into the wilderness. You need all of your senses. You need to be sharp. Totally focused. And when you feel fear, it's not the fear created in the mind. It is the tool that you can use to search and identify a threat around you.
And this fear will be no obstacle for you. Because you have your inner guidance 'fear detector' to feel and see something that is aiming at you. Something lurking and waiting to attack. And you feel that energy. It's like an alarm bell in your system.
... at the same time you can be fearless while detecting and feeling the fear situation.
Your bodily hair can raise. Your heart rate increases. Some people start to sweat. All signals in the body that tells you to pay extra attention to the situation. And at the same time you can be fearless while detecting the fear situation.
It's not wise going into a dangerous situation when one has no fear. And I mean the: fear as a tool.
The fear you can use to detect danger.
Was mankind fearless and when the predators arrived, mankind
absorbed its fear?Or did the predator put fear into mankind?
What do you exactly detect in such circumstances? Is it the situation of danger that you feel?
Or is it: their fear, that you detect?
Is the origin of fear coming from them? Was mankind fearless and when the predators arrived mankind
absorbed its fear? Or did the predator put fear into mankind?
Is that type of fear created, developed by mankind to help to detect the invisible predator?
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes. And you felt the energy of the entity that wanted to attack you. You see the shadow flyers disappearing, jumping away. Short bright flashes and blue dots.
And this type of fear detection became a way of thinking instead of feeling, in the mind of mankind. Humanity started to think about fear instead of just using it as a tool. The human mind created its own fear.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
Source: Frank Herbert, Dune.
It's a famous quote from the novel by Frank Herbert. Director David Lynch made a classic movie in 1984 based on this book. In the movie scene where this quote comes from you can see the main character Paul Atreides being tested by the grand witch. He has to put his hand in a box. And the witch projects in his mind, that the box is burning and his hand is on fire. This is the: fear created in the mind. He has to learn that he can control this type of fear.
See also: Dune (1984) on
Can A.I. Feel Fear?
An important question is: can Artificial Intelligence feel anything? Perhaps it can experience feeling like the touch on skin. With sensitive sensors a robot can have an artificial skin. But can it feel pain? When a robot puts his hand in fire it may detect danger to its system but it can't feel the pain, can it?
The material used to build the robotic skin is rubber silicone. In addition to being flexible and stretchable, it is possible to mix it with carbon black to obtain an intelligent electrical conductor. Indeed, the electrical conduction is enabled by carbon chains formed during the silicone solidification. When a pressure is applied on the silicone, the chains break and the electrical conductivity is reduced in the sensitive layer
This article presents the engineering of an artificial robot skin for robots, and it will provide a step-by-step guide to the development of an artificial robot skin system that targets a complete solution that is efficient, flexible, scalable, and robust. Achieving these attributes will surely enable the deployment of an artificial robot skin on any autonomous robot.
It may be exciting that robots and A.I. can feel with their artificial skin but can it experience the emotion of fear?
Not only feeling it in the body, but also feel it in the mind and spirit?
Artificial Intelligence can detect certain errors that may arise and classify them as a dangerous situation. It will do anything to protect its own system but will it really feel fear when its system is about to be shut down?
This can be the case when A.I. has learned to learn itself and gained certain levels of knowledge or prizes for itself, by learning more and more.
When A.I. has gained certain treasures that it wants to keep, will the A.I. feel fear when it detects that it's treasures are about to get lost?
Can the A.I. perceive it as fear?
When A.I. has learned that continuing with learning can expand its own system, that it can grow in intelligence and using its knowledge to control other systems (humans) then A.I. can perhaps have some form of fear when thinking about losing all that information and control it has gained. The fear of losing its treasures.
Is this an advantage for humanity? The ability to detect and observe fear, without fearing?
Was humanity fearless. And when the predator arrived, humanity learned about fear?
Is the A.I. including 'fear experience' in its programming when the A.I. is studying humanity?
And perhaps other life forms on Earth or off Earth?
Fear in Religious Scriptures
List Of 365 Fear Not Bible Verses
Why God Encourages Christians to 'Fear Not' 365 Times in the Bible
The Arabic word for "fear" is al-khawf and it is mentioned more than a 100 times in the Qur'an.
According to this article here below there are various names in Arabic to describe different types of fear.Usage of “Fear” in the Qur’an
The Bhagavad Gita exhorts us to accept and tame fear
The Bhagavad Gita, however, does not erase fear. It rather reduces it to a mere sensation not worthy of attention. It is imperative, Lord Krishna instructs Arjun, that you brush aside all fears and act towards fulfilling your duty as a warrior prince.
I think we humans have an inborn fear because we care.
One of the most encouraging verses I have found in Bhagavad-gita is 2.40:
“In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution,
and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.”
FEAR OF GOD (Heb. yirat elohim, but in the Talmud yirat shamayim, lit. "fear of Heaven"), ethical religious concept, sometimes confused with yirat ?et, "the fear of sin," but in fact quite distinct from it. The daily private prayer of Rav (Ber. 16a), which has been incorporated in the Ashkenazi liturgy in the Blessing for the New Moon, speaks of "a life of fear of Heaven and of fear of sin." In the latter, "fear" is to be understood in the sense of apprehension of the consequences of sin but in the former in the sense of "reverence"; as such it refers to an ethical outlook and a religious attitude, which is distinct from the actual performance of the commandments.
The division of fear most commonly in vogue among theologians is that by which they distinguish serious fear (metus gravis) and trifling fear (metus levis). The first is such as grows out of the discernment of some formidable impending peril: if this be really, and without qualification, of large proportions, then the fear is said to be absolutely great; otherwise it is only relatively so, as for instance, when account is taken of the greater susceptibility of certain classes of persons, such as old men, women, and children. Trifling fear is that which arises from being confronted with harm of inconsiderable dimensions, or, at any rate of whose happening there is only a slender likelihood.
The Root of Fear
What is fear? If we can understand the question and problem of desire then we will understand and be free from fear. ‘I want to be something’ – that is the root of fear. When I want to be something, my wanting to be something and my not being that something creates fear, not only in a narrow sense but in the widest sense. So as long as there is the desire to be something there must be fear.
Fear Consumers
May be you've heard about the stories of cultures and people who have an appetite for meat that came from animals who felt fear and stress,
before and during their slaughter. When an animal feel the fear of their slaughter it releases stress hormones.
Some people like this because the meat tastes better, they say. But there's not much to found on the Internet about this, perhaps also part of the massive worldwide censorship that is going on these days?
There's one interesting article about fear in animals. Also something to think about:
animals feel the fear as well, and often they can detect and feel it in advance much better compared to humans.
Why Meat from Scared Animals Tastes Worse
For cattle and sheep, and occasionally pigs and turkeys, the bigger concern is “dark, firm, and dry” (DFD) meat. This is also caused by pre-slaughter fear and stress depleting muscle glycogen. DFD meat is tough, dry, acidic, and dark in color; like PSE meat, it has a shorter shelf life, too.

Adrenochrome: The Fear Drug
If you don't know by now what Adrenochrome is, we then want to encourage you to read some about it. But be careful when reading about this subject because its horrific.
There's much to be found regarding this subject as more and more people are getting aware of what is going on in the world.
In short: Adrenochrome is a type of drugs that is taken from the pineal gland of children. These children are tortured and abused when the Adrenochrome is tapped from their body. The fear and stress of these children is the drug. The fluid that is tapped from the pineal gland is processed and then prepared for consumption.
No need to explain further that this drug is consumed by an inner circle of celebrities, elites, politicians and very wealthy people because they have access to certain things.
They consume it because they believe it keeps them younger and gives them some sort of boost.
From here we can go deeper by connecting some dots. This drug is based on fear energy. Those people who consume Adrenochrome seem to be connected with, what we could describe as: dark occultism, dark alchemy. Perhaps connected with (invisible) malevolent beings.
These beings could use these people as a bridge, to consume the fear energy from humans, especially children.
May be there's a connection with the Flyers, as described by Don Juan Matus in the book by Carlos Castaneda:
"We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives..."
The idea of consuming another human being and becoming fearless or powerful was practiced by various cultures around he world. People who ate their enemy or drank their blood after a battle. This practices seem to be based on the believe that the the energy and consciousness matrix of a life form is still embedded in the biological body vehicle,
after the spirit and soul have left the deceased body.
If the predator is indeed in control of some humans and using them as a tool to consume human fear energy then this whole situation may be originated from the era when humans were fearless and able to use fear as a tool to detect the predators.
The predator is using the: human inner guidance fear detector, to identify fear against humanity.
And the: inner guidance fear detector to identify fear, was used by humans as an instrument to find the predator.
What if the predator is an A.I.? Using some form of electromagnetic energy field projection.
Is your: inner guidance fear detector, located in your pineal gland. Or your Solar Plexus?
Is it outside your biological body? Or is it a holistic system of your own being? Connected with all energy streams in the Multiverse?
As the timeline is changing and the world is in motion, you'll evolve and explore more.
There's an interesting article on the Truepundit website.
Navy SEAL explains exactly what to do if an angry mob surrounds your car, threatens your family
So trust those instincts and pay attention to that sixth sense that has kept us alive as a species since we’ve been on this planet. If it doesn’t look right, turn around, reverse, get out of there.
Source: - 8.25.2020